Back in the February half term, we went to Copenhagen for a few days. Having been in the summer too, we were excited to see the city in a different season and visit new places. We were nervous about travelling when the COVID-19 Pandemic was getting worse around us. (The first case in Denmark was reported a week after we’d been there). Anyway, here’s what we got up to while we were there. All the posts from this series can be found here.
Today was going to be a funny day. Chris was working from home and Jaxon went to school as normal. I had to run some work errands in the morning then came home to finish up work bits and finish packing. We’d decided that we were going to go straight away once Jaxon had finished school. Dad came to collect us from home with our luggage and then we collected Jaxon from school. He was so excited to be going on a train and an aeroplane that he didn’t stop moving until he got to the car! We got him changed in the car out of his school uniform into his “play” clothes. Dad took us straight to the train station while I packed Jaxon’s school uniform into his school bag. I switched his reading book into our hand luggage so that we could take it with us. His lovely teacher has given him a chapter book to read over half term. It’s definitely harder than the normal reading books he gets but it’s enough of a challenge to keep him interested.
Dad dropped us at the train station and Chris collected our tickets from the machine. Jaxon and I read the departures board to see which train we should be on. I picked the 1602 to Gatwick which Chris said might not be the most direct train to take. He was adamant the one we needed left about 5 minutes before from Platform 2. Well having dashed up the stairs, over the walkway and back down onto the platform it was clear the 1602 was the train we needed and when Chris checked his phone he realised his instructions were the earlier time to walk to the station to get the 1602. Oops!
We rode the train from Bedford down into London and then out through East Croydon to Gatwick. Having checked his phone a couple of times, Chris said it might be quicker to change at East Croydon for a more direct service (instead of the almost “all stops” service we were on). Between Farringdon/Blackfriar/London Bridge the train was very busy and we were at risk of getting off only to get on the other service and have to stand so we decided to stay put.
From the station, we headed into the airport and found out which terminal our flight would be leaving from. This time we were flying Norwegian and they leave from Gatwick‘s South Terminal. We headed straight to security to get ourselves sorted out. I’d packed all my liquids in a freezer bag before leaving the house so I could switch out for a “proper” one at the airport. However somehow in the crazy, I’d missed the hand sanitizer and nail varnish that was still in my backpack. I’d been using my Roka London backpack for about 5 months since I purchased it and love it. I’ve not wanted to move to a different bag. So when it came to packing a bag to use as hand luggage and then everyday bag while we were away – it was perfect. It also has room for me to carry my maternity notes. I was hoping I wouldn’t need them while away but it’s better than I have them just in case.
Anyway, we get to the x-ray machine and put all our things through. Everything goes fine until I’m pulled out the line for an extra check and my backpack is pulled to one side too. Oops! Chris was right behind me so went through and stood with Jaxon (who looked a little worried but was okay). I went through the body scanner and then collected my backpack, apologising profusely that I’d forgotten those bits. I was a little worried about if the scanner would affect baby but apparently it emits less radiation than I get from my phone so not going to harm baby. Having been through security we headed through the airport to find some food. We had a variety of choices but Chris really wanted Nando’s.
From our table in the restaurant, we could see out onto the tarmac so we could see lots of the planes reversing from the gates and getting ready to take off, while Chris was in the queue sorting the food, Jaxon and I were plane spotty and talking about the different designs on the tails of the aircraft.

Some of my dinner was very spicy even though it was the planest version on he mneu. I ended up draining most of my drink (which was really not good when I’m about to get on an aeroplane – thankfully it turned out I had an aisle seat so that was a bit easier to get to the loo when I did need it!)
After dinner we headed straight for the gate as the number had been announced although it wasn’t boarding yet. When we got to the gate, we were able to check in then find some comfy seats in like a waiting room between the check in desk and the actual door to go to the plane. We hda to wait for the next door to open but that was fine. As it happened, we ahd the “upstairs” entry so we could just walk out through the walkway right onto the plane. Jaxon had the window seat again so he got to watch the world go by and be excited about that.
The flight wasn’t too bad. There was a bumpy moment with some turbulence but that passed quickly. The onboard wifi wouldn’t let me text so although I texted Our Sidekick and my parents to tell them where we were etc, it didn’t send so they got a text about being over the North Sea as we landed in Copenhagen and my phone connected to the mobile network there.
I texted Our Sidekick from the Metro. As we got into the city there were more people on the train. A (possibly) drunk chap started to talk to Jaxon and I. Chris kept saying “They don’t speak Danish” (in Danish too!) but not really loud enough for the man to hear and I just sat there. I don’t know whether the combination of being pregnant and in a semi-strange setting was triggering some kind of anxiety. I was a state and had to try and hold it together. I just wanted to get off the train and protect Jaxon. Thankfully more people got on and then the chap moved further away from us. It’s possible he was just making conversation but I was so shaken by it.
We arrived at the hotel at almost midnight so were all very shattered. We stayed at the A&O Hostel at Norrebro. Even with it being so late, the staff were lovely and helpful. When we arrived at the reception desk, the receptionist was busy dealing with the people in front of us so the barman came over to check if we were okay and if there was anything he could do to help us in the meantime. We found our way to our room and got sorted out. Jaxon was very excited that he had a bunk bed and chose to go on the top bunk. I was a little nervous as it didn’t have proper steps but Chris’s side of the bed was so close, that if Jaxon did fall, he’d more than likely land on the bed. The mattress would work as a crash mat and hopefully, he’d be fine.
The A&O Hostel is right at one end of the Superkilen Park. The hostel is the building in the top left corner. The Park then runs for around half a mile between blocks of apartments and other buildings. Partway along the park there is a community space and a library. The park is dedicated to celebrating ethnic diversity with Norrebro being one of Copenhagen’s most diverse neighbourhoods. Throughout the park, there are different objects from different places in the world. Jaxon’s favourite was the Octopus/Squid slide from Japan (see image 22/57 here). I loved the elephant slide from Chernobyl and the star-shaped fountain from Morocco. There is a map of all the objects here (it might take a Google search to find images of them all).

It was too late to explore that night but we were definitely going to take a look at least once in the rest of our week!
All the posts from this series can be found here.