Back in the February half term, we went to Copenhagen for a few days. Having been in the summer too, we were excited to see the city in a different season and visit new places. We were nervous about travelling when the COVID-19 Pandemic was getting worse around us. (The first case in Denmark was reported a week after we’d been there). Anyway, here’s what we got up to while we were there. All the posts from this series can be found here.
Day Three
With it being a Sunday, we decided we’d go find a church and ended up at Hillsongs Copenhagen again. We visited while we were in Copenhagen in the Summer and it was good to go back again.
It happened to be their “Vision Sunday”, so they were sharing what the churches goals were for the coming year and what they thought God had in mind for them which was kind of exciting. The majority of the service was a video from Hillsongs Australia with the vision fo rhte whole of HIllsongs CHurches across the world.
One story in the video made me cry. I wrote down a brief version of it but I’ve found the Vision Sunday video on YouTube so that covers all of it. (Vision Sunday).
The story was in a section all about community and how the church is a community in the worldwide sense, in the local church sense but also in small groups/community group sense. The man in the story talked about how while in the US with his wife to get cancer treatment, she died very unexpectedly. Someone at his home church in Australia, passed on a message to someone at the local Hillsongs Church in the US and before he knew it someone was send to buy his groceries and someone else took him out for dinner and all kinds of things like that until he was able to head home. He was basically adopted and looked after like your own Community Group would gather around you and take care of you.
While we were in the service, Jaxon went to Hillsongs Kids again. They were really welcoming to him and made sure there was someone to translate from Danish if needed. Although the main services are predominately in English, the kids work is in Danish with translation available. When we came in the summer there was a lovely American lady who looked after Jaxon, we had hoped she might be there again but I guess we were on the wrong week so she wasn’t on kids work this time.

For lunch, we went to Smagsløget (Website – Vesterbrogade 19). Chris had prewarned me that they are big sandwiches so we would be sharing with Jaxon and still could have some spare to take home with us. I’m surprised that we hadn’t found the shop before as it was practically next-door neighbours with “our” Lidl from when we were in Copenhagen in the summer. (Apart from a stray piece of chilli in my sandwich, it was so good! If you’re ever near there make sure you go!)
After lunch we headed to the Rundetaarn (The Round Tower). I wasn’t sure how well I was going to be climbing the tower but thankfully the windows had such big window sills I could sit down on one of them every so often and catch my breath. The Rundetaarn was built as an astronomical observatory. The tower is interesting because rather than having steps the tower has a sloped ramp all the way up. Historically, it’s been ascended by horse, bicycle and unicycle. When Czar Peter The Great visited Copenhagen he road up the tower on horseback. With it being the equvialent of Half Term the week before in Denmark, a lot of the half-term activities were still running so there were all sorts of extra bit for Jaxon to do. From the top there’s an amazing view across the city. It was amazing!

For dinner, we went to a pizza restaurant called Pico (Website – Skyttegade 3). Rather than having a big pizza each or struggling to choose our toppings. We had these 3 pizzas between us with different toppings on. So one was definitely Margarita (I think the bottom one maybe?) then I think the middle one is Rosemary’s Bacon (Mozzarella, sweet potato, fresh rosemary, smokey ahumado bacon and fried crispy capers). I’m not sure what the top one was but they were all very yummy and perfect between the three of us.

We loved how cosy and hygge the restaurant was. (We sat at one of the long tables on the left near the window). We also loved that the kitchen was part of the restaurant so we could see our pizzas being made. After dinner, we then walked back to the hostel through the city.
While I looked after Jaxon back at the hostel, Chris went to explore the Copenhagen Light Festival. Across the scity during February, there are a number of light installations to be seen. They can be seen by foot, bike or Segway but also from the water. Right up Chris’s street!

All the posts from this series can be found here.