I started thinking about should I try other windows and looking for another job. I do like my current job but I really struggle with being behind a desk all the time – I like the days when we have meetings because I get to step out from behind there and talk like a human rather than order entry/customer service peep.
One of the guys at work is moving on to his new job so his manager is looking for a replacement I asked to see the job description to see if I could fulfil any of it and I really don’t think I can.
(I was asked to take down the job description by a friend)
I don’t think either my boss or the sales manager would even consider me. I’ve worked in retail on and off since I was 16 but I don’t know if any of it is “sales” experience. I just have Customer service experience coming out of my ears!!!
So I think about looking elsewhere but without a proper Internet connection I’m really struggling. Keep hoping someone will head hunt me and it’ll save the effort of looking for a job!!
The worst that happens is that they’ll say no!!! I say that you try for that job and the worst that happens is you don’t get it. The best is that you do 🙂
.-= Kat Argonza | Tough Girl 101´s last blog ..New Reality Show “More to Love” =-.
Ha sounds like Kat is thinking and talking the same way as me, there is no harm in at least talking to them about it, as I suggested waht about asking how you can get the experience required to fulfill that job?
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