There goes another month lol. Why does it feel like the whole of July just sprinted past when I wasn’t looking?!
So highlights of July (They didn’t necessarily happen in this order)
• My cousin got married to his lovely fiancé – now his wifey.
• My Father in law celebrated his 60th
• My brother turned 23 (and got a girlfriend!)
• I started my Etsy store
• I helped Ruby start/design a blog of her very own (It’s called Sew, Cook, Create! And it’s going to be fab!)
• Me and Mum did Race for Life again and shaved a few more minutes off our time.
• The Sands and his lovely wife moved to Bedford to they are officially installed as the Pastor and Mrs Pastor of our church which is fab! Two of their three kids have moved with them between uni terms and other bits.
• I dug out my roller blades after my friend’s 10 year old got a new set for his birthday. I’m still getting the hang again but it’s good fun trying not to fall over lol.
• I sponsored both GrrFeisty and Chantilly Songs which was good fun – I was part of a giveaway on Chantilly’s Blog.
• I was chosen as a sponsor for 30 Days of Lists which is taking place again in September which is good fun as there will be people from all over the world taking part – how awesome is that!
• I hosted a swap on Swap-Bot (which technically finishes in August but started in July so I think that counts right?)
Random Finds Along The Way
So these started as highlights but then they
• How true is this:
Found here.