This week it is World Wide Knit in Public Week. In a way we kicked this of with the yarn bombing along the Embankment in Bedford on Saturday – I have a bunch of photos to show off but but wanted to get the presentation right.
Anyway back to the point for my birthday two years ago I was given a copy of ” Knitting for Good!” by Betsy Greer. This birthday present was from Rickie especially from Canada. I’ve been reading it on and off between other books.
I’ve specifically trying to finish it given all the community knitting I’ve been taking part in, the main two being BedYarn and the other being the giant blanket we’re making to auction off for Macmillan.
I’ve had post it notes stuck in various pages with quotes written on them. My current favourite is nearly a whole paragraph about using knitting to strike up conversations.
From Chapter Two
Art goes on the wall to be admired, whereas craft is meant to be used.
From Chapter Four
“One of the benefits of handmade is that by doing something like knitting or wearing a handmade item in public, we provide a topic of conversation with people who have similar interests. I’ve been stopped on the subway by a person who liked my hat and have struck up a conversation with someone when I noticed that the sweater she was wearing comprised the exact same stitch pattern as a sock I had recently finished.
Crafts like knitting, which are considered “different” yet culturally familiar activities, help us facilitate conversations. Try knitting in public or letting your knitting needles stick out the top of your bag as you travel about town. I can almost guarantee that some sort of conversation will present itself. See how it feels, and then see where it goes.
There are either things you can carry with you that can also act as conversation starters (a baby and a puppy come instantly to mind), but few portable activities embody a skill that has been carried down through generations all over the world like knitting does. It may seem a little silly, but in it’d own gentle way, this seemingly simple craft can help you connect to your neighbours. It mag even show you a whole new part of your community that you didn’t know existed.
What do you think…….

I’ve have always knitted and crochet in public. Trains, waiting rooms, concerts, boring things at work, in fact anywhere at all. I don’t walk and knit though! There have been numerous times that people, even men, have struck up a conversation. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, it seems that people connect with the ancient need to create. I can’t say I’ve made friends from these passing conversations but I have met a very large variety of people and it’s been interesting. I even recall being a but miffed because I just wanted to get on with my knitting and instead I felt obliged to talk. I’m looking forward to seeing my first man knitting in public.
I knit/crochet too. I did while waiting for a job interview – it was that or read my book. I’ve done both in the cinema (which made my Mum laugh).
We’ll have to keep our eyes open for a man knitting in public! Thanks for the comment!
I’d probably get too excited and frighten him away!
You have to master the sly “I’m not taking a picture but I am pose” lol. Just hold your phone so it’s like you’re reading a message or something like that.
oooh! Sneaky. I like it!
Glad the book came in handy. Still wish I had the patience to learn to crochet!
Don’t give up. It took me ages to get the hang of it and now I love it – it sometimes just takes a bit of time.
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