At the beginning of September, Chris set out on his birthday challenge to cycle from Land’s End in Cornwall to John O’Groats in Scotland (aka LE2JOG). This is my attempt to blog along the route. I came home on Sunday but my FIL took over being Chris’s support team for LE2JOG so we are going to have some guest posts from him this week and maybe next too! Be nice!
Tuesday. Guest blog, Peter.
Woke up cold at 3am, but my coat on the sleeping bag sorted that. Next time was 7.30. Chris was still asleep, so I sorted my bed, etc., and went for a wash. Chris was awake when I got back. The stove was still out so we had a hot drink with brekkie. Packed up together, then Chris got off at about 9.30, but not before getting a stamp and a donation! Very nice.
Managed to connect for lunch at Langsett without the trauma of the previous day, but Chris still grumbled because it was a whole 50 yds *up* a side road. I’ve also learnt how much he hates wasps!
Found a LIDL in Huddersfield – fatal! I did mostly get stuff we needed though. Later on, leaving Halifax, found a Morrisons. More stuff, though to be honest, not as much that we really needed, and more luxuries. Still, we’ll enjoy the pasties for lunch tomorrow. Ready meal cottage pie for tonight.
The campsite was on top of a BIG hill. That’s why it’s ‘Black Moor’ Road! £10 deposit for a key fob, needed for *everything*, even the loo! To be fair, it would have been a nice campsite, but the foul weather let it down. Rain and headwind slowed Chris down, so it was after 6 pm when he called to be picked up from the crossroads in Cross Roads (really!). I’d managed to get my tent and most of Chris’ up when he called, but it was getting dark, the weather was foul, Chris was shattered and cold, and there was no shelter to cook. That’s why I was really really grateful to the couple who offered to microwave our ready meal in their motor home. That tasted better than it had any right to! Dodged showers to finish getting the tents up and the kit in. Chris magicked hot drinks on his petrol stove and enough extra for a flask for hot drinks in the morning. He was in bed by 9, but I took my time and was up a little later.