At the beginning of September, Chris set out on his birthday challenge to cycle from Land’s End in Cornwall to John O’Groats in Scotland (aka LE2JOG). This is my attempt to blog along the route. I came home on Sunday but my FIL took over being Chris’s support team for LE2JOG so we are going to have some guest posts from him this week and maybe next too! Be nice!
Sunday. Guest blog, Peter.
Well, got away from home later than expected, and the satnav didn’t recognise the target road. Made it to Sutton Coldfield centre easily enough, but where then? several stops later, passed cop shop by pure chance. They gave brilliant directions (of course), so finally met Chris & Hannah (‘only’ about an hour late!).
Transferred stuff, so Hannah could get going, then Chris & I toddled off the the town centre (well drove, actually), topped up at a McDonalds, looked around a few shops (with bored stiff vibes from Chris), then back to Travelodge to book in. Asked if they had anywhere secure for the bike and they swapped us to the ground floor & let us put it in room. They were brilliant! After unpacking (a bit), got hungry, so ate at Harvester next door. Chris has lost some of his capacity for food! Back to room, lots of info from Chris, then reasonably early night.