At the beginning of September, Chris set out on his birthday challenge to cycle from Land’s End in Cornwall to John O’Groats in Scotland (aka LE2JOG). This is my attempt to blog along the route. I came home on Sunday but my FIL took over being Chris’s support team for LE2JOG so we are going to have some guest posts from him this week and maybe next too! Be nice!
Monday. Guest blog, Peter.
Made instant porridge in the room, then visited bike shop up the street, where we found Chris’ clicking noise was probably his pedal, not his bearings. Chris set off, and I set about repacking the car to put the stuff we’d need most on top. That done, set off to lunch stop telling satnav fastest route. By the time I realised it was taking me to Derby, not due N to Ashbourne, I was well on the way. Reprogrammed for the shortest route, which it then did! Rarely have I been down so many obscure roads in such a short space of time. Yes, I even clocked some with grass up the middle! As a net result, Chris got to lunch stop well ahead of me. After some serious confusion about the location, we did meet and enjoyed a cold lunch. Chris headed off, and I headed straight to the next campsite, booked in, and got tents up, etc. Chris rang and got directions, but missed a turn, so probably did about an extra mile (uphill, of course) before turning round. Had a lesson in alfresco cooking before we turned in at 9pm. V. early for me!