I’m excited for Little Makes – this is a new linkie that I came across at the beginning of January. It’s joining with Jemma at Thimble and Twig and Fee at One of Each.
Granny Stripe Blanket
I’m still working on this blanket and now debating how many more rows I need to do to be finished. My Mum and our friend Judit suggested finishing it off and then putting away all the spare wool, then when Jaxon moves from his toddler bed to a proper single bed, I could then add the extra rows on. I love this idea. However I’m concerned I’d use the wool for something else or forget what I needed it for. Then again I could just end up putting it away somewhere and not remembering where it is!
Laura from Lemon and Ginger snapped this pictures of my blanket at group this week.
Painting and Craft
I stopped procrastinating or finding excuses and on Friday after Preschool, Jaxon and I came home and did some painting.
I found that although he didn’t get like to get his hands mucky he’ll happily use a paint brush.
Jaxon loved the painting but when Daddy tried to help I don’t think he was so impressed lol. We managed to make quite a few pictures – Jaxon loved it when he was left to do his own thing. However, he did paint over my painting so that was a little annoying lol. I need some more blu-tac to add the pictures to Jaxon’s gallery in our hallway.

I love that you have a gallery in the hallway! And I am loving the colours in that blanket! They are my favourite kind- retroish! So beautiful! #littlemakes
Haha! That makes it sound really regal or something! It’s literally the pieces of paper blu-tacked to the wall in some kind of organisation. Thank you for commenting! I thought I would get missed as I missed the linkie so thank you!!
I used to crochet and knit and do all kind of fiber arts. Brings back fond memories. And kids art galleries are the best!!
I love crochet and knitting. It keeps me sane. My brother threatened to buy me a t-shirt one year that said “I knit so I don’t kill people” it was funny but was also probably a bit inappropriate lol. Oh I love Jaxon’s gallery.
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