So the goals I set for February and how they went were:
Finish the Tetris Blanket for Chris (aiming for Valentine’s but we’ll see if that happens!)
I managed to finish the Tetris Blanket for Chris at about 11:30pm on the 13th. It has already had a chunk of use and I think Our Sidekick may have adopted it at one point as he was cold!
Maintain weight.
This didn’t happen. In February I put on four and a half pounds. I knew it wasn’t going great because one week I was absolutely starving all the time! It’s possible that, that particular week baby was having a growth spurt (it was also explain how even after a full nights sleep with no disturbances, it’s now 3:30 and I’m shattered!). I could have probably done better by trying to optimise what I did eat but at the same time it’s perfectly normal to gain weight while pregnant. Continuing to go to Slimming World while pregnant was about staying in control and trying to make sure I didn’t completely undo what I’d achieved since August. At the last SW meeting of February I was half a pound being back at a stone off (having been at a stone and a half at Christmas). I am disappointed but I’m sort of trying to be okay about it. I keep walking where I can, so to work and to my Mum’s when possible. I walked a bunch around Cambridge with Chris last week and planned to go for a walk with JD at some point. It’s not the end of the world and if needed I can draw a line in the sand so to speak once baby arrives and get back on track towards my target. As I said to Chris, I can get baby in the buggy, load up the changing bag and walk places, to my grandparents it’s about a 3 mile round trip – if I take the bridlepath I think it’s slightly quicker but it would be a little impossible to manoeuvre the buggy along the path until it gets a bit smoother!
Get blog organised. With a chunk of stuff including getting ready for a baby, the next few months need to be organised where I can!
This happened in as far as that I tried to schedule a copy of posts each week and start drafts to place mark other posts. I had hope to be a bit more organised and do more than that but it works for now. I’ll be working on more posts as I can.
Goals for March
- Finish the blanket I started for Our Sidekick. It’s almost there but just needs a few final bits.
- Work on/Finish the baby blanket that I’m making for Blueberry.
- Continue to work on my “Things for Baby” list – I’m sure I’ve forgotten something!