{Monday Moos – No 2}

The idea behind this is that readers of For The Love of Blogs send in their questions and then the readers answer them. You can then share the love by commenting on other peoples responses.

1.) How long have you been blogging and How Long do you stay on the computer per day?

I’ve been blogging for about 5 years here and there – I started with Notes on MySpace and Live Journal, tweaked a bit with Xanga but ended up settling with WordPress in the end. I then went to self-hosted with WordPress.org rather than a dot com account. I spend way too much time on the computer – I’m on it from about 9am through to 5:30pm then I get home around 6pm and can spend anything up to 4 hours on the computer in the evening (or more especially as our TV runs through a computer system).

2.) Do you schedule your posts and/or keep a bunch of posts in drafts? (I talk about this in our upcoming e-course.)
I have a bunch of posts scheduled for series like Travel Thursday and things like that because often I get muddled which day of the week it is so I tend to spend a whole Saturday afternoon writing a bunch of posts to spread out over the next few weeks so that they go regularly even if I’m having a mental block and think it’s Wednesday when it’s actually Thursday and things like that. I also have a bunch in drafts at the moment as I keep starting ideas and not finishing them. I plan to work my way through them and delete or complete.

3.) Do you make money off your blog? If so, tell us how {via sponsors, monetizing}-Share your success. If not, tell us if you’d like to and what you need from us to help you. {We discuss sponsorship in our e-course as well}.
I make a little bit by sponsored posts. At the moment I have a fee paying link on the side bar (that’s paid for the link to be there for the year). I often (like once a month or two months) have a sponsored post where I receive a product rather than money. The most recent ones include 3 months free with a DVD Rental website in exchange for a review of their service and new pair of trainers in exchange for a review of their website (these are both to follow in the next few weeks) These were both organised through FuelMyBlog, I’ve had one where I replied to a tweet that was sent out, explained that I wasn’t a food blogger but I regularly write reviews and have reviewed chocolate in the past. I’ve also done ones where I’ve bought a new product or used as a service and I’ve been happy with it (I’ve also written about bad experiences – and had a geeky moment when I was recognised in a pizza restaurant in town – that was funny!)

This entry was posted in Writing.