Over the years, I’ve learnt from my Mum that getting Christmas prep organised earlier leads to less stress overall. That also means you can enjoy the build-up so much more. With this year being different to any other Christmases we’ve celebrated getting organised earlier was a priority. Somethings needed to be dealt with before we left the UK. So while getting into the festive spirit and starting my planning for Christmas, I thought I would share some suggestions. I know Christmas now is a bit early, but if we want to get organised, now is a good time.

When I mention products, I haven’t been sponsored or paid for these links. They are products that I love and would use myself.
1. Check addresses. Do you need to send cards or presents in the mail? Make sure your address book is up to date. Check the last post dates. Remember – although First Class and Second Class can be sent in the last week before Christmas, anything going Internationally needs to go out earlier than that. Do you need to get international packages in the mail before December starts? (Canada and USA is as early as the beginning of November!)
2. Purchase or make your Christmas planner. This year, I’ve purchased this Christmas Planner from Mrs Brimbles. I’ve used her inserts in the past and always found them really helpful. It is a little bigger than my A5 Filofax (it’s closer to B5) but it’s a lot lighter and definitely easier to put in my bag while out shopping.
3. Write a list of gift recipients. While writing your list of recipients, in the next column add gift ideas. If you’re creative and making gifts, start a shopping list of materials – even if it’s just a “shop your stash” list in the first instance.
If you can support a small or local business then do it! Take a look at Folksy or Etsy for ideas if needed (Don’t worry you can click one of the filters on the left to show sellers in your own country rather than ship internationally). If you’re buying clothes or things that are size-dependent – do you have the right sizes? Jaxon’s godmother always gets him new pyjamas for Christmas, around September/October, I’ll get a text message or a phone call and we’ll chat about what size he’s in now so she knows what size to go for.
5. Write a budget for your gifts. Do you need to save up for ones? Can you spread the purchasing across the next four months rather than a crazy rush at the end?
6. Are you wanting to complete December Daily or another form of memory keeping? Maybe consider purchasing a memory keeping kit like this one from MrsBrimbles now rather than trying to at the last minute.
I’m not sure about how I’m going to do it this year, as so much of my journalling stuff is in storage but I’m hoping with what I have with me, or can source locally, I’ll be able to do some variation of December Daily this year.
You can watch Mrs Brimble’s flip through here of her 2020 project. Underneath that is Chloe’s flip through which I love too. (Her 2020 Memory Keeping has a lot of heartbreak in it too but I know her 2021 is going to have lots of specialness to it!)
Each month leading up to Christmas there will be another list of tasks to get on with. Some will be little and some will be bigger but they are totally manageable in bite-sized chunks so that you’re not stressed out by the end! You can find all the posts here.