I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is March’s review. You can see others here.
I supposed it’s better late, than never that I post this monthly review. Some days I feel like I am chasing my tail round and round in circles rather than actually getting anywhere but hopefully July’s Monthly Review post will be on time.
Highlights from May and June
At this point I usually recap one month but I didn’t get as far as recapping May before so we have May and June here:
- We went to Disneyland Paris. Yes I was very excited and yes I am a big kid! There are posts all about it here.
- Chris and I celebrated our wedding anniversary while in Paris. After last year’s hiccup with Amsterdam I’m glad it mostly went off without a hitch.
- Jaxon got chicken pox 🙁 I also learnt that in France Chicken Pox is called La Varicelle amongst other random pieces of French Medical information.
- Chris spoke at Renhold Chapel. He was talking about Jesus making the disciples “fishers of men” and one of his object lesson, was to make fish finger sandwiches for everyone. This worked fine because we were at a small church – at our normal church, it would have taken far too long!
- Our Sidekick went on a solo trip with friends – they went to France and Croatia, and a great time was had by all. I played taxi between London Luton and then Gatwick. Luton was definitely easier especially when it came to finding a charging point on the way home for Zoe the EV. I think it’s the first time in four years that I’ve seen a sunset and then a sunrise and hardly slept in between (or at all in this case!)
- I got to attend an event here in Bedford where Philip Pullman was taking part in a Q&A. It was organised by Rogan’s Books (our lovely local Indie Bookshop) in collaboration with The Panacea Museum.
Goals for June
- Finish at least one book – my speed of reading has been slowing down completely! I managed this and then some! Since getting back from holiday I’d been trying to go to bed before 10pm rather than staying up late to get things done.
- Get my bike fixed and encourage Jaxon to ride his bike more. Chris helped me to get my bike sorted out and we did do one trip home from preschool but my gears were being awkward and I was struggling with cycling up the hill to preschool quick enough. I’m sure it’s something that would come with practice.
- Clear some of the UFOs (unfinished objects) – I finished two projects but there could have been more UFOs completed instead, I ended up starting new ones!
Top Posts Viewed in June
- Planner Love: Meadowgate Traveler’s Notebook
- A Weekend in Paris: Sunday
- Simplify 2018: Sorting Mugs and Under the Stairs
- A Weekend in Paris: Friday and Saturday
- Maternal Mental Health
- The One with the Trip to Paris: Part 1
- The One with the Trip to Paris: Part 2
- Baby and Play: Bedford’s Independent Toy Shop
- Storing and Organising Duvet Sets
- Things I Love Thursday -.v2
Projects Worked on in June
- Two baby blankets, two friends had their babies really close together so have been trying to get projects finished for them. (It’s now the end of June and they are still sitting in my living room so the next challenge is getting them to the respective Mummies!
- I was given some balls of wool so I’ve started a knitted jumper for me. Easier said than done – I’m not sure the pattern is technically big enough so it could be an experiment to see if it actually works for me!
Books Read in May and June
In May and June, I got a lot of reading done especially when we were on holiday:
- Love Does Not Envy or Boast by Lila Diller
- Seven Days of Us by Francesca Hornak
- The Inn at Cherry Blossom Lane by Jennifer Vander Klipp
- Snowflakes of Christmas Street by Ivy Pembroke
- New Beginnings by Fern Britton
- Coming Home by Fern Britton
- Falling Short by Lex Coulton (really struggled with this one and gave up in the end)
- Talents by Anna Huckabee
- Sandover Beach Memories by Emma St. Clair
- Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person by Shonda Rhimes
Series Watched (Not full seasons btw!)
- Queer Eye
- Once Upon A Time (Season 7 then I went back to Season 1)
- Something in The Rain (Korean)
- 12 Monkeys
- My Next Guest Needs No Introduction With David Letterman: Howard Stern
- iZombie
- Designated Survivor
- Miracles from Heaven
- Elementary
Films watched
- Ghostbusters
- Set It Up
- Ali’s Wedding
- Alex Strangelove
- Thi Mai (Spanish and Vietnamese – Netflix keeps up with the subtitles for the Spanish bits but doesn’t for the Vietnamese bits which makes it really interesting trying to understand what’s going on. It’s a lovely heartwarming story but one of those irritatingly inaccurate films. I’m prety sure it’s not that easy to fool the system!)
- About Time
- Candy Jar
- The Kissing Booth
- The Greatest
- Return to Me
- My Perfect Romance
- The Intern
Goals for July
- This are to follow! Once I’ve written them!