I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is March’s monthly review. You can see others here. At the end of each month, I write a monthly review all about what I’ve been up to each month.
- Having spent some of February, wondering whether I should be going back to a “proper” job. March has picked up and I gained new clients which is great and is definitely more positive. The first week of the month was all a bit crazy – I spent two days squishing in meetings and telephone calls while Jaxon was at preschool.
- Catching up with friends. There was more catching up in this month. I went to dinner with my friend from our old church which was good.
- Chris started his new job this month. He’s definitely more positive about the new job and after 3ish weeks seems to be really enjoying it.
- We had more snow! Okay so to some this wasn’t a highlight but Bedford so rarely gets a decent dumping I get a bit over happy about it! (Then after a day or two I get fed up especially as I walk or bus everywhere now!)
- Following one of the dumpings, I was kind of poorly. We’d had heaps of snow on the Thursday and I woke up Friday morning with a really bad head. I’m sure I heard somewhere that when polar explorers go exploring they have to remember to drink more and eat more because of the cold. Now it wasn’t quite that extreme but I think when I’d been outside pushing the buggy, I didn’t entirely realise how hot I’d got. So, I think part of my headache the next day was dehydration more than anything. I had a conversation with preschool and although they were open they were fully understanding that some of us wouldn’t be able to get our kids there. I decided that Jaxona dn I would stay home. We took up residence in bed and watched cartoons (or dozed!) for a couple of hours.
- Back at the beginning of March, I went to London with Jen (musicals addict!) to see Hamilton. We’d booked our tickets back in about November when they were released and it seems to have come round SO fast. It was so good!
- I helped out at Rogan’s Books during BedPop Science Labs – I was there helping so that I could attend the events because the STEM ones sounded like good fun but I’m too old so couldn’t really attend as a “guest” (and Jaxon is too little)
- Mum and I went on an adventure to Letchworth to join Wooly Chic for Crochet for Comfort. Was lovely to stop by for an hour-ish but with it almost being the end of month, and then a short week because of Easter) we had to get back and get work bits done.
- Mum and I also attended the Creative Bedfordshire conference at Bedford Heights – it was great to hear from Max McMurdo who was the keynote speaker.
Top Posts Viewed in March
- Planner Love: Meadowgate Traveler’s Notebook
- Monthly Review: February
- Storing and Organising Duvet Sets
- Music Monday v1
- Things I Love Thursday v1
- Recently off the Needles: Find Your Fade
- A to Z of Date Nights: The Alphabet so Far
- Month’s Review: January
- Family Tree: Part One
- Recently off the Needles: Phoenix Chunky Boys Jumper
Projects Worked on in March
At the beginning of March, while we were expecting the snow to arrive, Chris commented that we needed a tea cost – so I made one. It took me just under two days to knit in this brightly coloured Aran weight wool.
Someone on Instagram put out a call for crochet squares in certain colours to make a blanket. I knocked out four in a lemony yellow and cream and got them into the post.
Books Read in March
In March, I finished two books. The first was Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman and the second is Cold Feet, Hot Summer by Emma St. Clair.
Series Watched (Not full seasons btw!)
- Madam Secretary
- Grey’s Anatomy
- iZombie
- Project Mc2 (thanks to my Goddaughter)
- Once Upon a Time
- Designated Survivor
- The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes (Season 1)
- Salvation
Films watched
- Burnt
- Annihilation (This is directed by Alex Garland who directed Sunshine – I should have known it would be extra random!)
Goals for April
- Finish at least one book – my speed of reading has been slowing down completely!
- Get my bike fixed and encourage Jaxon to ride his bike more.
- Clear some of the UFOs (unfinished objects)