Movies: Letters to Juliet

Why is it that whenever I see Italy in a film I want to grab my passport, pack some clothes and get on the first flight there lol. (I certainly did after Eat, Pray, Love). Well I guess I just have to wait till next year when we are hoping to go (suggestions of places to visit in the comment please?!). I have a list that is growing but we will have to see where that takes us.

I learnt Italian at school and have pretty much had a passion for all things Italia since. I haven’t properly tried to speak Italian in years but occasionally use it at work – mainly to speak to our Italian distributor via email (So it’s not really speaking lol)

Anyhoo, I was looking on iTunes for Shop Girl (I’d picked up the book at the charity stand that they have at work sometimes and have read all of about 3 chapters and most of that was on the bus yesterday) and in the end spotted Letters to Juliet. I’ve been meaning to watch it for ages (pretty much since it was at the cinema lol.).

The story features La Casa Di Giulietta in Verona, and the surronding area. Amanda Seyfried plays another girl called Sophie (her character in Mamma Mia was Sophie Sheridan)

An American girl on vacation in Italy finds an unanswered “letter to Juliet” — one of thousands of missives left at the fictional lover’s Verona courtyard, which are typically answered by a the “secretaries of Juliet” — and she goes on a quest to find the lovers referenced in the letter.

The Summary from IMDB.

It’s a proper love story where it’s about the forever after and the falling in love rather than just getting laid. I’m kinda glad that the most “action” between Seyfried’s character and her love interest is a proper kiss at the end of the film. There is a shorter kiss shared between the two about half way through the film but that’s it.

I’m also a Shakespeare geek and absolutely adore all the little hints at Shakespeare throughout the film. Some films I leave playing when I go to out the room but this one I actually paused and watched every moment of it. The only problem with downloads through iTunes is that you don’t always get the Special Features. (I say this uncertainly because I’ve only downloaded a couple of films and the only one that had special features was (500) Days of Summer.

Seeing how it is now 2:14am I’ve decided to leave it there and head for sleep. Hope you all had a good weekend 🙂

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  1. Steph says:

    This is a bit of a coincidence, but I watched Letters to Juliet online today too. That scene in which Lorenzo comes riding in on his horse got me everytime in the movie trailer, and watching it in sequence in the move today was no different. Verona is positively gorgeous and stunning, and I wish I was there right now sipping on some red wine.

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  3. cardiogirl says:

    Do you think this is appropriate for a 10-year-old? It sounds like there’s no sex in it. My daughter wants to see it and I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. The premise sounds cool, though. I wouldn’t mind seeing it myself.

    • Hannie says:

      I think it would be okay – I’ve checked IMDB and it has it listed as
      being a PG both here and in the USA. There is a tiny amount of bad
      language but I think it’s like damn rather than s* or anything more
      than that.

      I can watch over again with my Youth Leader hat on and give you a
      heads up of any dodgy bits.

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