My 30 Days – Day 18

My 30 Days

Today’s Prompt:

A picture of you from last year + this year + how have you changed since then?

Due to the wonders of Flickr – I can do better – I have a 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 picture and I’ve changed lots lol.

Self Portrait

2007 – taken at my G-ma’s Birthday Party. Me, Rich and my Cousins lined up in front of the mirror, we were armed with cameras or phones lol.

Me Being Domesticated

2008 – I’d been to see Julie and Julia, I came home and really wanted to cook – so I did lol. I took photos of me cooking scrambled eggs on toast and then some cakes.

Earrings 2

2009 – Not sure why but I was taking pictures of my earrings while sat in the car (the garage in the background is down the road from my Mum’s house lol)

Curly Hair

2010 – this was taken about two or three weeks ago – The Kiwi bought some new curlers and I was the guinea pig!

So what’s changed about me?

The main two things – I’ve probably put on weight and my hair has changed that’s about it when it comes to the differences – and in a week my hair might have changed again as I’m going to dye it red – although I am questioning my choice of dye – I think I might just have to get on with it and see how vibrant it comes out and then wash it lots if it’s too bright lol.

Having posted my pictures though – my glasses got changed in 2008 (I think I got new glasses as my main birthday present from my parents!)

However I am doing something about the weight thing too – I am trying to cut out biscuits, cakes, sweets and junk food. Given the amount of rubbish I do eat – I’m allowing myself to have junk for one meal a week as sort of a treat for being good the rest of the week – that should work right?

So far I’ve not been doing very good but yesterday I cooked scrambled eggs and toast for tea for me and Chris. I think this is one occasion when the local supermarket won out against the corner shop. The eggs we got from the corner shop were from caged birds and were on the small side. I’d rather may a little bit more for free range eggs, after dinner we discussed this and decided that in future although it’s a bit further to walk to the supermarket we’d get free range eggs where possible. (I’ve been a free range egg kinda girl for a while).


  1. Steph says:

    Cute pics! Good on you for cutting down on the bad stuff. It’s hard, but once a week will be a nice treat + reward for yourself for being so good for the rest of the time.

    • Hannie says:

      Hello!!! Welcome to my blog-ness. Thank you for your comment 🙂 I had a fish cake and some chips this evening – not good lol. It means I can’t have pizza tomorrow at my Brothers though. Might have to chat to my Mum and see if she’s doing home cooked tea instead of take out lol. Anyhoo I’m trying 🙂

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  3. cardiogirl says:

    I love your new glasses. Well not new, but the second pair in the photo series. Well done on documenting the last four years. I know I could not do that. I don’t like having my photo taken.

    I had no idea there were differences in egg sizes/shapes. I wonder if mine are free range or from caged birds.

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