So this weekend turned into a bit of a spontaneous adventure.
I found out about the Regent Street Girl Geek event maybe about two weeks ago and thought I would sign up for it.
Then on Tuesday I got an invite to an event on the Friday evening at a cafe in Covent Garden. I wasn’t too sure because I didn’t know where I was going to sleep but Zoza had already got it in hand 🙂
So here I am at my sleepover destination about 10ish minutes walk from Lewisham train station. I’m shattered lol but so excited about today I think I just need a cola and I’ll be ready to go lol.
So yesterday, I got on the 1750 from Bedford to St Pancras – I was able to charge my phone on the way and I’m so glad I did as I got to chat to Weefz (also Twitter) about today and realised that I wasn’t the only one who had semi planned a route around the shops lol. (Well there was my alarm so need to get up soon)
I arrived in St Pancras and it was as busy as usual – I’d come in on a East Midlands Train rather than a Midland Mainline so I came into Platform 4 (which is upstairs next door to Eurostar) I headed for the tube and noticed something different the new Northern Ticket hall has been opened – and I had a deja vu of the ticket hall at La Grand Defense in Paris (just wish I had photos of both to confirm). I saw a sign for Platforms 8-11 and was very tempted to see if I could get to Platform 9 and 3/4 but decided that it would be better to try and do on the way back when time wasn’t so much in short supply lol.
I headed for the Piccadilly Line to get to Covent Garden.
This is where I made a mistake. At Covent Garden due to the space restrictions there are two large lifts that run up and down from the platform to the ground level and a spiral staircase of 193 steps. Because so many people got off at the same time as me I decided I would try the stairs – what an idiot! I got half way and thought I was actually going to die there and then in the tube station lol. A lovely girl asked me was I okay and I kinda went “Yeah” and smiled and she carried on walking.
I stop again about three quarters of the way up and then finished the stairs – as much as I was an idiot for doing it rather than taking the lift.
I need to get dressed and ready for my day out but I will carry on with another post later.

Hey! Sorry I didn’t manage to figure out who you were. The whole day was pretty crazy, hey?
I had all sorts of trouble with my phone’s Twitter client (as you might have seen) so couldn’t fire off messages to let you know when I was at BaseCamp. Maybe we’ll meet at another Girl Geek event 🙂
No worries! There were so many people there that I still didn’t chat to everyone! I will most definitely try and be at another event soon!
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