Each year we end up going somewhere different for our summer holiday. We’d look at a couple of ideas but still wasn’t sure where we wanted to go. When Chris asked me and I said I didn’t know, I showed a map of Europe to Jaxon and got him to pick. Originally he picked Oslo but in the end, we settled on Copenhagen. So here we go, our Danish adventure. Back in the Summer I started writing about our adventure but life kept getting in the way. Now I’m finishing!

With it being a Sunday, we had a look to see if there were any churches near us. It turned out that Hillsong Copenhagen meets at the Bremen Theatre which wasn’t too far from the hostel. (In fact, it was right near the Planetarium).

The welcome team were serving waffles so even though we’d already had breakfast at the hostel, Jaxon and I shared a Banana and Chocolate Spread one. YUM!

Jaxon went to Hillsongs Kids which is all in Danish but we made friends with Jennifer who was an American living in Denmark so she was able to translate for Jaxon who had a great time.
The service was really good and I loved the worship time. A lovely lady called Celina did the sermon, she was really good and really interesting.

Something I loved was the group that the church have on FB. The idea is about doing life together so throwing open collective invites to different events. One guy was like “I’ve had a change of plans and now have gig tickets spare. Would anyone like them?” Another was like “we’re going for a bike ride starting at xxx, let us know to expect you and bring your bike”. Basically reading the posts made me excited that a church (or a wider community) could be like that. We’ve kind of had it in the past but maybe we lost it somewhere. During the week, while we were there, they’d got a number of their Women’s Ministry events (#Sisterhood) on across their campuses (Aarhus, Malmö and Copenhagen) so having said to Chris it would be cool to go it crossed my mind to post in their group to see if anyone was going and I could walk with them (or maybe hire a bike for the evening). Unfortunately, it didn’t work out and I couldn’t go but I think the fact that I was even considering it excited Chris lol. Anyway, I love the idea of the group and doing stuff together. In the past (when it was Chris and I), we’d make dinner for four and then put the call out to see if anyone wanted to come and share dinner with us if they didn’t already have plans. When we hosted a community group, I’d never know how many I was making dinner for some days! I think I’m just rambling now but it seemed like such a lovely way to do life together (and now I’ve voiced this thought, I’m going to go back to my crochet….). Then again maybe it’s a Danish thing because part of hygge is “spending time with family or loved ones in the moment”.
After the service, we went for a walk around Sankt Jørgens Sø which was kind of nice. Chris was driving me a little crazy talking about moving to Copenhagen.
You can read all the posts about our Copenhagen trip in 2019 here and 2020 here.