Each year we end up going somewhere different for our summer holiday. We’d look at a couple of ideas but still wasn’t sure where we wanted to go. When Chris asked me and I said I didn’t know, I showed a map of Europe to Jaxon and got him to pick. Originally he picked Oslo but in the end, we settled on Copenhagen. So here we go, our Danish adventure. Back in the Summer I started writing about our adventure but life kept getting in the way. Now I’m finishing!

Today’s adventure would take us across the Øresundsbroen (Øresund Bridge) to Malmö – it was really easy and was more like local train ride rather than an international trip.
We had a wander around the harbour area and found a lighthouse – which I think I was more excited about than the boys were! There were various sculptures to see there as well. Jaxon loved the multicoloured one that he could climb (Yes he was allowed to climb on it – there was a sign as well!). It’s called Spectral Self Container and it’s by Matti Kallioinen. It’s near the Non-Violence sculpture (also known as The Knotted Gun) by Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd. This is one of the original ones, but there are multiple ones around the world. (You can read more about it here).
We did a slightly random walk through Malmö and explored. I rather excitedly found a Panduro Hobby shop, so despatched the boys on their own adventure while I had me time! I also found a Fjallraven shop. I had a look but really couldn’t warrant the price tag so I took a photo of the one that I really liked and then decided that would have to do. I’d add it to my wish list and maybe I’d receive it or find it in a sale one day lol.
When it got to lunchtime, we found a local Lidl and also found that Swedish Lidl is much cheaper than Denmark Lidl. so while we were there we got some extra treats. We discussed how if we were to live in Copenhagen it might be worth the train fare for one of us across the Øresundbroen to do the shopping because we’d probably save more than the train fare by doing it. The other one of us could always meet the shopping person at the last stop on the Danish side covered by the normal tickets lol.
While we explored we found this recycling bin, both Chris and I were impressed – puts our recycling efforts to shame for sure! We also found a park for Jaxon to play in for a little while – it also included some bits that we could join in on too.
I realised that I had lots of video and not so many pictures so here’s the vlog I attempted to do.
You can read all the posts about our Copenhagen trip in 2019 here and 2020 here.