Each year we end up going somewhere different for our summer holiday. We’d look at a couple of ideas but still wasn’t sure where we wanted to go. When Chris asked me and I said I didn’t know, I showed a map of Europe to Jaxon and got him to pick. Originally he picked Oslo but in the end, we settled on Copenhagen. So here we go, our Danish adventure. Back in the Summer I started writing about our adventure but life kept getting in the way. Now I’m finishing!

This morning we headed to Lidl for breakast again then walked to City Hall. I thought Jaxon would love to see the Jens Olsen’s World Clock given the number of cogs it has. He liked most of it and looking a the cogs but the clock itself wasn’t running properly at the moment so he was quickly bored of it and ready to move on.

The boys then took me to Blox where they had found a play area on Sunday. The play area was outside then inside was the design museum. One of the exhibitions was a whole room of Lego to play with. Around the outside of this room were landmarks from around the world. In another room there were displays all about designing buildings and how technology is changing how things are designed.
We tried a coffee shop and then a sandwich shop oppostie the museum to get some lunch but getting something was causing hassle. We ended up heading to Lidl again.
After lunch, Chris found me a yarn shop to look at called Sommerfuglen. (That means butterfly in Danish). It was a lovely yarn shop but a lot of the yarn was hand-dyed stuff. I loved a lot of the Hedgehog Fibres yarn but couldn’t choose just one so decided I wouldn’t purchase this time. Today was a bit of a shorter day as we headed back to the hostel at this point.