Each year we end up going somewhere different for our summer holiday. We’d look at a couple of ideas but still wasn’t sure where we wanted to go. When Chris asked me and I said I didn’t know, I showed a map of Europe to Jaxon and got him to pick. Originally he picked Oslo but in the end, we settled on Copenhagen. So here we go, our Danish adventure. Back in the Summer I started writing about our adventure but life kept getting in the way. Now I’m finishing!

Day Three started with breakfast from Lidl. We’d discovered that the local Lidl was actually quite close to the hotel and this became a regular stop as it was cheaper than the 7-Eleven that was at the end of the street.
Today’s plan was to visit Tivoli Gardens. Both Chris and Jaxon are massive roller coaster fans (As you’d have seen from older posts like at Disney and Chris’s Birthday Challenge), so while we were in the city we had to make use of our Copenhagen Cards and go to the amusement park.
Jaxon was desperate to go but we tried to keep it a surprise, every time Jaxon asked about going we’d say “Maybe later in the week” or something like that – little did he know we actually meant later that day!
We left the hotel and headed for the entry gate. There was a bit of a downpour while we were in the queue but we didn’t let this dampen our spirits.

Whether it wasn’t very clear in the instructions or if I’d just missed it, the Copenhagen Card covers entry to the park but if you do want to go on any rides you need an additional pass which is your ride entry. We found that one adult and one co-rider was the best system for us. The co-rider ticket is sort of a child’s ticket but has the accompanying adult included, so if Jaxon went on a ride but needed to be accompanied by an adult then I could go on with him included in his pass. We found this worked well because it meant that we weren’t paying out for a full adult ticket for me when I wouldn’t really be going on any rides. It’s possible that we could have both gone on this pass but there were rides that Chris wanted to go on but Jaxon wasn’t tall enough to ride accompanied so the adult ticket was needed too.

Jaxon and I started in the Fun House which was quite physical and exhausting (for me certainly!). We’d managed to climb up a moving ladder to get to the top of the slide but then Jaxon decided it was too high and decided I needed to help him to get back down the ladder again so I ended up piggybacking him down the ladder (yes in hindsight this probably wasn’t the best idea but you figure out these things looking back right?)

The boys then went onto the Rutschebanen. This roller coaster is one of the oldest running wooden roller coasters in the world. It was built in 1914. Each carriage has a brake person too. One of the brakemen was wearing a very bright rainbow headband – I think he was getting into the feel of Pride (which is tomorrow). While the boys were on the ride, I found a bench near the ride entrance and did some of my crochet project.
Jaxon loved going on the carousel – which was playing Danish versions of Disney songs. I sat playing “Guess that song”. There are quite a few rides similar to Dumbo at Disneyland as I went on a couple of them with the boys. Jaxon loved going on the dodgems – especially the one he could do by himself rather than with an adult.

You can read all the posts about our Copenhagen trip in 2019 here and 2020 here.