When Mum was here for a visit, I got her to make sure I finished some projects. I’d got a little tangled up and had more on the go than I meant to have. But test knitting for Lindsey at The Chesapeake Needle was too tempting. So here’s the Coziest Autumn Beanie that is recently off the needles.
Coziest Autumn Beanie
Pattern: The Coziest Autumn Beanie by The Chesapeake Needle
Needles: 5.5mm
Yarn: Heavy worsted (4) to light bulky (5) yarn. Lindsey uses Stitch Please Chunky in the colour “Rust in the Wind”. I used Sirdar Aura Chunky for the hat. This is classed as a bulky yarn.
2023g Challenge: 365g/2023g
The Coziest Autumn Beanie is a pattern by The Chesapeake Needle. Lindsey was looking for some test knitters to make this beanie. At first I wasn’t sure I could do it. But after asking a heap of questions, I signed up. When I had further questions, Lindsay was very helpful.
The pattern calls for a heavy worsted (4) or light bulky (5).(In UK terms that’s an Aran or Chunky – just make sure you can get gauge). I took a look at YarnSub to make sure the yarn I had would work. I had some Sirdar Aura in my stash that I thought would be very cosy for a beanie hat. We worked out that as long as I could get gauge then it should be fine.
The Sirdar Aura in my stash was given to me by my Mother In Law. My FIL had been off to the charity shop and got some bits. However when he got home, he realised they didn’t work for what he needed. He took them back and was offered an exchange, so he went digging in the yarn box for my MIL. There were some mixed bits but two balls of the Sirdar Aura – which is lovely. When I went to visit during my trip back to the UK, my MIL let me pick. So I choose two balls of this as well as some other smaller balls.
The yarn is soft and lovely. It was really nice to squish as the ball however once I started knitting the mixed love grew for it. It’s two strands twisted together and found that I was untwisting that as I went. I wonder if, if I’d started at the other end whether it would have made any difference.
Lindsey’s pattern was lovely to follow and clear and I think I will be making another one – probably with a plainer yarn to make sure that those cables will pop all that bit better. I feel like the colourful-ness of the yarn is great on the rib but then overpowers when it comes to the cables.
You can find her pattern on Ravelry (If you can’t access Ravelry but would still like to do the pattern, please contact Lindsey directly and she will be able to help you out).