When I heard just before Christmas that my friend was pregnant, I got my knitting needles out and got started one something lovely for her and her baby. We might not be as close friends as we were maybe 10 years ago but this little bundle of joy is extra special and so I needed to celebrate that the best away I know how from this distance. As it happened, Lindsay from The Chesapeake Needle shared this pattern for baby booties on Instagram at just the right time and I knew I needed to give them a go.
You notice that at least to begin with the posts of the projects that I have completed have come out of number order. Project 1-3 were all gifts and so I had to wait until they gifted to be able to share them properly with the world.
Baby Hausschuhe (Baby Houseshoes….or Booties!)
Pattern: Baby Hausschuhe (English) by Inesstrickt.
Needles: 4mm and 3.5mm
Yarn: Stylecraft Special DK in Silver (From stash)
2023g Challenge: 17g/2023g
Around finishing other projects they didn’t take too long and they became my first finished project of 2023. They are really straightforward. The sole is a few rows back and forth followed by picking up around the edge to create the body of the shoe. You can find the pattern here.
This was my first project of 2023. I had weighed it after one bootie was complete and clearly the scales were lying because they said 17g for the first one and then when I weighed them together I still had 17g! How does that work? Anyway, one project done, 17g out of 2023g is really not that much (0.84% – because I’m a nerd and like percentages). But I figure some projects are going to be the odd chip here and there, whereas other projects (like the Yuletide Colourway/Granny Stripe Blanket by Attic 24) will knock out lots of yarn in one go. You will be able to follow along with my progress over on Instagram or here.
2023 Gram Challenge Totals: 17g/2023g (0.84%).
You can read all my posts about the 2023g Challenge here. I share most of my updates over on Instagram first – you can follow me here.