Over the Easter Weekend, I started and finished the Farm Beanie by Sparrow Play. It’s a really easy beanie to get knitting while we worked our way through different TV shows. Mum had been watching Den Som Dræber (Lost: Those Who Kill) on BBC Four and had recognised Copenhill, so then I started Episode 1 and realised who bits of it is filmed around Nordvest! But as a family we watched Troldehjertets Hemmelighed (The Troll Heart’s Secret), it was a spin off from the Julekalender that aired back in December.
Anyway back to the yarn, a friend of ours volunteers with a scout group and they were clearing out their storage room. He rescued me some yarn so I set about making him a beanie hat that he could take with him on scout trips (or keep in his laptop bag when he goes to work because even the sunniest of days can sometimes need a woolie hat to keep the chill off here in Copenhagen lol).
Farm Beanie
Pattern: Farm Beanie by Sparrow Play (Ravelry Pattern)
Needles: 4mm
Yarn: Mystery grey DK yarn from stash, and the mystery rescued orange yarn (I think there were labels so I’ll check on the other balls)
2023g Challenge: 43g/2023g
This was a really easy hat to get on and off the needles again. The biggest challenge I had was getting the cast on right. I started with my usual Long Tail Cast on but it doesn’t always have as much stretch in it so I started over again with a German Twisted Cast On (I followed the Very Pink Knits video on YouTube when I learnt it).
When I switched from the grey to the orange, it was a a little challenging to see the change in the pattern but then once I’d got a few rows into it, it became clear.
It definitely didn’t work for me to try on with a messy bun on top of my head as it pulled it funny. Even with a pony tail instead it still looked a little funny but it still worked well and was cozy! Also it’s on the thinner side so I imagine would work well under a cycle helmet (Although the weather is gradually getting warmer so we could be heading for no woollies needed lol).
2023 Gram Challenge Totals: 43g/2023g.
You can read all my posts about the 2023g Challenge here. I share most of my updates over on Instagram first – you can follow me here.