Back in February, my lovely friends, Mel and Daniel announced that they were pregnant and expecting their first baby. They shared their story of infertility and their IVF journey to get to where they are. You can read that here.
I decided that I would cast on a cardigan or something along those lines. Mostly because a cardigan would pack a bit smaller than a blanket and would travel a little better from the UK to Australia.
I finished quite a while ago but finally got it into the mail about two weeks ago and as it’s arrived as it’s final destination, I thought I’d share the picture.

The pattern is the Baby Kimono Pattern by Elizabeth Jarvis. It’s available on Ravelry. It’s a really easy pattern to follow as it’s pretty much almost knitted all in one piece (I think it’s just the second arm that’s knitted separately and then joined on but it’s really easy to do).