Back in December when I went to Kathleen’s workshop at Tudor Rose Patchwork, I spotted this pattern for a jumper for Jaxon. While he’s so small it’s great fun knitting projects for him but I get the feeling as he gets bigger it will get harder to make things for him. The Robin Phoenix Chunky wool is really nice to knit with and because it’s chunky, it knits up really quickly. It’s mostly in stocking stitch so would be great for a beginner looking for something to stretch them that bit further. There is raglan shaping around the arms but again once you’ve got the hang of the first few rows it’s easy enough to keep going.

Getting the pocket in just the right place was a bit of a challenge, especially with the edging which involved picking up stitches. One of the sides on the finished projects comes out slightly wonky because I got it a little wrong when I picked up the stitches but hopefu
lly it’s not noticable! I’m sure once he’s worn it a few times, it won’t be that noticeable anyway!

Project Specs
Pattern: Phoenix Chunky Boys Jumper
Pattern Source: Purchased here. But available elsewhere on the internet too.
Yarn: Phoenix Chunky in Parrot (Reds and greens with a bit of blue)
Date Started: January 2018
Date Finished: February 2018
Modifications: None that I’m aware of but it’s possible that there are some in there along the way!
Final Measurements: Hopefully as the pattern but who knows!

I’m really not sure what is going on with Jaxon’s trouser leg here but he loved wearing his Robin Phoenix chunky jumper. It was perfect from all the unseasonal snow we have been having here. As a kid, I’d hardly see much snow – occasionally we might get a dusting but that was about it. In the last 3 months we’ve had 3 dumpings of the stuff! If it means we are going to be getting more and more snow each year I’ll have to start knitting big woolie jumpers for Chris and Our Sidekick too! I’d better start Our Sidekick’s one now so I have the whole summer to get it done!