I love being able to share the projects that I’ve been working on – whether they are finished or taking a bit longer. Here’s something that is recently off the needles.
- Pattern: Special Stripy Blanket in Stylecraft Special Chunky (Source)
- Needles: 6mm Knit Pro Zing/Addi Fixed Circular Needles
- Yarn: Stylecraft Special Chunky
Back in 2020, I was given a gift voucher for Wool Warehouse. Great idea, and very me but what do I do with it? I wanted to make sure that I got something that was a proper project rather than just using it on an odd ball here and there. In the end, I went with the Special Stripy Blanket.
I started it, probably once it was cold enough to think about casting it on but then it got put to one side as I did other things. When I was packing my projects to bring with me to Copenhagen I decided that I’d bring the blanket. It was a big enough project to keep me occupied, while I got my head around where the best (for me) yarn shops were. In the end, I found 5 to begin with, but since being here nearly 5 months I’ve found some others too. I packed it up to bring it with me to Copenhagen and recently got it back out again to try and work on it. I decided that I needed to work on what I had already but also work on “stocktaking” what I have and keeping better track of the projects that I am working on and have on my “to be done” list.
I’d been documenting where I was up to for quite a while over on Instagram. This was shared back in November while I was still working on it. It took a little while to remember to alternate for the purl stitches which create this grid pattern across the blanket. Along the way, I found a couple of tricks for turning the stitches the right way around or dropping them and picking them back up again the right way.
I had it finished and it sat around for a few days while I got to sewing in the ends – I was definitely stalling and trying to avoid it but got there in the end!
Do you have any projects currently on your needles or hook?