Places visited
Windermere/Bowness-on-Windermere and The Beatrix Potter Museum
Tarn Hows
Lake Coniston
Lake Windermere
Wast Water
Honister Pass and Slate Mine<>
National Forest around Ashby-De-La-Zouch
London – BBC Western House
London – Royal Albert Hall
Centre MK
Cath Kidston Factory Outlet, St Neots.
Celebrities Met
Cliff Richard
Chris Evans
Lyn Bowles
Moira Stewart (Well we were stood in the same room she vanished before being able to ask to have my photo taken with her)
The Month In Bullets
- Had an amazing time in the Lakes and came home feeling chilled and refreshed (which is unusual for one of my holidays lol)
- We had two visits from our Social Worker – both were okay she’s lovely and friendly and seems like someone who is on our side.
- Wrote an epic letter to the girlies explaining everything that’s happened with Our Sidekick and how he’s now with us but haven’t heard anything back and not sure how to take that.
- We had our first parents evening which was scary, exciting and funny – especially when I bumped into my Year 5 Form Tutor and pointed out me in the Year 8 picture – Our Sidekick didn’t believe that it was me.
- Me and Our Sidekick now have a challenge – each day he has to read for 10 minutes or more. I then match what he’s read time wise. (I think I owe him 10 minutes ago which is a bit of a fail – it could be 20 by this evening!)
- I didn’t finish reading Breaking Dawn before I saw the film (the first time I went to the cinema with Our Sidekick) but I did notice chunks missing (the whole car thing at the beginning) and goofs (like Bella’s phone still being locked when supposedly she’s talking to Rosalie – fail!).
- Got to write a guest post for Ruby and Branden at Sew, Cook, Create!
- Went to MK with Mum to have a girlie day. It was so good – we went to Centre MK to do Christmas shopping and get outfits for #DecemberWedding (As I’ve been calling it when I tweet!). Then we went to Hobbycraft – I bought some wool and a pattern to make a baby cardigan to try and get better at knitting – I’m making it for Little Love who is 1 next year (I figured that 4-5 months would be long enough to knit it). After that we went to St Neots – which isn’t really on the way to MK or on the way home but had become part of our plan for the day. It was good fun – I’d expected it to be a bit bigger but there were lots of bargains.
- I failed and didn’t complete Nanowrimo – feel kinda gutted about it but there was alot going on in life. Instead I’m trying to complete by NYE.

I really liked Breaking Dawn. I thought they did a good job getting the essentials of the story. All the stuff that needed to be in there. I totally went into it expecting the worst though ha. 🙂 Looks like a productive month was had! 🙂
I ended up seeing it a second time (this was supposed to be the first time but I ended up seeing it on Saturday!) and it was kinda better because I noticed more and also knew what was coming so that made it better in a way. Did you see the extra bit during the titles? I missed that the first time but then saw a “spoiler” on IMDB and so had to stay for it 😀 It was a rather productive month – would have been even more amazing if I’d managed to complete NaNoWriMo but I tried anyway lol. (Can I use this year’s story as the starting point for next year or would that be cheating?)
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