I’m a member of a blogging tribe and we held a secret santa swap before Christmas. I have been part of this group for a couple of months and love the random conversations that happen some days. Recently it’s all been about how cold it is in Texas (The Laura Way), Indiana (Karen’s blog that I don’t have a link for at the moment) and Wisconsin (Hello Nature) and how this compares to Bedford as I’m pretty sure that I’m the only UK person. Now, for what I got in my Secret Santa package back in December.
The partner that I sent to was Shelby in California. You can read her post about her present here.
I received a present from Ashley from Hello Nature.
I also received a bar of Hershey’s Cookies and Cream with a special Christmas wrapper which is my favourite and some mini Reese’s peanut butter cups that I shared with the boys (again some of my favourites).
The little green box like thing in the top picture is a journal. It’s really pretty and I just don’t know what to write in it. (I was proper organised and took photos as I opened the present and yet half of them have vanished!)