Hey there! It’s Sunday which means it’s Slimming World Sunday. Stephanie from Raising Emily and myself “resurrected” the idea and we’d love it if you could leave your link below.
If you’d like to join in the button and code is at the bottom along with the rules for the Link Up. For now here’s my post:
You know some weeks where you want to hit pause and get off the planet for a bit or hide in the duvet for a while, this week was one of those weeks. I had stuff to be getting on with but some situations that have been happening around here meant that everything else sort of got pushed to one side or shoved in a corner to come back to. Anyway, it also meant that any good habits kind of went out of the window – I ate a rather hefty bar of chocolate across two days it was that kind of week.
And yet, some how I stood on the scales at our Slimming World group to half a pound loss on Thursday. At first I miscalculated how much I’d put on or lost because I forgot my book last week and forgot to update the chart when I got home so it was a lovely surprise to stand on the scales to half a pound lost. WOOHOO!
I’ve come away vaguely sort of inspired to get back on it. I had reached the 2.5 stone mark but have done a wobble round the 2st 3 sort of mark for a while – I get closer to the 2.5 stone mark only to drop back to the 2 stone mark. With a friend from a group on FB I’m attempting to design a food diary that can go in my diary – as I usually end up losing my food diary or it ends up chewed and folded in the bottom of the changing bag.
I’ve also decided to attempt giving up diet cola – again! I keep trying to give it up by the withdrawal headache makes me miserable and cranky so I give up on the giving up and go back to square 1 in a way. I read an article earlier this week that said by drinking diet fizzy you can put on up to 3cm around your waist within a year or something like that, so maybe that’s what I need to do. On Friday a friend suggested I try Green Tea – it’s not really my thing as I don’t like tea but given the fact that 40 bags is as cheap as a bottle of diet cola I figured I’d give it a go and one of the ladies in our Connect Group drinks green tea so she could use them if they were really weren’t my cuppa (haha!). I got Green Tea with Lemon and came home and stuck the kettle on. I downed a cup of squash as I was thirsty then when it was cooler I drank the tea. It was okay and actually within two hours I stuck the kettle on and had another cup, so it can’t have been that bad! Hopefully it might make a difference and I’ll see the results.
Do you have any tips where you swap some items that are Slimming World friendly for other items that are still Slimming World friendly but have better results?
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