Today I’m also joining with Debs and Amy for Slimming World Sunday. (I discovered earlier this week that SWS was stopped but seeing as it was their idea originally I’m going to leave the links on the posts)
This week
I went to group on Thursday and it was definitely a case of that I didn’t want to be there as I thought it was going to be bad. I stepped on the scales and breathed out. I know completely mad, it’s not going to make that much difference really haha!
Half a pound off. Oh yeah! Better than on that’s for sure.
Food Thursday was bad. We had frozen pizza. Friday was better, still used a lot of my syns for the day but I made wiser choices. Breakfast was only a banana as we were short on cereal and other “good” choices. Yesterday was a bad day, I had on plan breakfast (2 x Weetabix, HexA Semi-Skimmed Milk and a banana) then the day went downhill from there. We drove to Norwich for a wedding and part way through the journey I was struggling I pulled over to take a break and get something to eat. We stopped at a lovely cafe/kiosk near Thetford. It’s got a lovely picnic area too. I ended up with a hot dog and bun and a Kit Kat. I gave Our Sidekick part of the Kit Kat and a chunk of the hotdog bun to Jaxon. There was a “sweetie bar” at the wedding which was too tempting. Dinner (around 5/6ish) was a pie with mashed potatoes, mushy peas and gravy. Well I turned down the gravy but had the rest. It was lovely food (by Flaming Galah’s) but very bad for me.
On the other hand on Friday I had a managed to drink nearly 2.5 litres of water and less than one can of Diet Cola. So at least from that point of view I feel like I achieved something.
Either way I’m drawing a line and restarting today. I have until Tuesday to get rid of the badness so far and stand on the scales with a loss. The plan is to go to Iceland today or tomorrow to get ready meals for this week coming as it’s Holiday Club so need to make wise choices.
Any suggestions? My biggest struggle is sandwiches and toast. What can I do instead?
It’s August and I’m joining a few of my blogger friends to blog every day this month, at least around here you’ll be able to find all my posts under BEDIA. Be sure to check out their blogs too.
Ashley | Beth | Brittney | Hannah | Karen | Michelle | Shelby