Hey there! It’s Sunday which means it’s Slimming World Sunday. Following a conversation this week with Stephanie from Raising Emily as well as Debs at SuperBusyMum, we’ve (That’s Stephanie and I) have adopted Slimming World Sunday to keep the link up going as Debs had previously stopped running it.
If you’d like to join in the button and code is at the bottom along with the rules for the Link Up. For now here’s my post:
This week in all has been better, I kept a rough food diary although it wasn’t always 100% correct. I made sure that my breakfast was on plan and then aimed for at least one other meal each day to be 100% on plan. Some days it didn’t work, some days because of what we had planned it went all a bit wrong but we got there in the end.
On Thursday Our Sidekick got his exam results and I’d pretty much cleared the schedule for the day to make sure I was around if he needed me when the results were released. However I also turned down going for a coffee with a group of friends. There’s a cafe/pub local to me that do monster sized pieces of cake, when the friend coordinating the gathering mentioned thats where they were meeting, I swiftly (and painfully) turned down the invite, I had to think light thoughts and avoid temptation at all costs. I HAD to stand on the scales with a loss – it had to be done. And it was done! Oh yes it was done! 2lbs were gone! BOOM!
That was good and I was so proud, then my tea happened. As part of the exam celebrations, dinner was Our Sidekick’s choice and I had pizza. Chris got me and him a large half and half pizza so I had my half and that was it kind of thing. I’m not 100% he realised it but it was super loving of him to do that, if I’d had a whole pizza to myself then I would have felt like I had to eat it and then I would have felt rubbish after and then I’d have probably written off the whole week there and then just from one bad meal.
Friday was a new start and I did what I could to get back on plan. I had a chicken kiev with my dinner but I had SW Chips and carrots to make sure the rest of it was good. (What did I have for lunch???)
Saturday we had a BBQ with some friends in the evening, I could have had SW burgers but you can’t tell the difference between them and normal burgers (Could they be square or something it might make it easier lol) so I ended up buying both normal and SW burgers but just taking normal burgers to the BBQ. But I had taken a pasta salad that had minimal syns in it to share with everyone (then spent all those syns on dessert oops!)
Having said that I walked round town and then home, Our Sidekick, Jaxon and I walked to the BBQ and then ran home (okay maybe 2/3s of the way but I was pushing the buggy as well as running which was hilarious!!)
So it’s a mixed bag but I also signed up for a water drinking challenge with Britt. I had already been trying to drink more water because it’s been super muggy and stuffy at the moment so I didn’t want to get dehydrated and then be ill like I have some summers. I read on Britt’s blog post the other day that her nutritionist informed her that you should drink half your body weight in liquid. Okay that sort of doesn’t entirely make sense but listen in a way it does too.
So if you’re 10st 8 like me you’re then 148lbs, half of that is 74lbs, so you should be drinking 74 ounces of liquid a day. (Direct from Britt’s page so i don’t get it wrong: “She mentioned that even though it is ideal to consume that much water a day, even if you want make 3/4 of your daily required liquid intake a day water, that you are still doing great!”)
Now UK fluid ounces are different to US fluid ounces so using that rule you have to play with the maths a little. I’m working on at least 2.3 litres of fluids, Usually 1-1.5 litres of this is good old tap water, I’m really bad and drink too much diet cola, although I am working my way off it, I went cold turkey around Chris’s birthday at the beginning of August and just felt ill. So I cut down instead and feel better for it.
So yeah it’s been mixed and I think this week is going to be mixed too but when I can make wise choices I’m going to do that, I am definitely going to do that and I’d like to be closer to the 10stone mark (140lbs) on Thursday when I weight in again. Let’s do it!
Add your link.
Visit and comment on two other links (this might change if we have lots of people!)
This Linky goes live at 0700hrs every Sunday morning & will remain open until the following Tuesday. So you’ve plenty of time to link up each week. I hope you’ve all had a good week on SW and even if you haven’t we’re here on hand to make you smile and think positively again!!
Also feel free to GRAB OUR BUTTON and add it to your post!! (Originally designed by Debs @ Super Busy Mum – she’s fab go visit her once you’ve linked up!)

Great to see the linky resurrected 🙂
Well done on your loss and good luck for Thursday!
Hey Leanne!
Thanks for the comment! I’m glad to see people have joined in – I really thought it would be just me and Steph and we’d be like “oh okay” lol. Feel free to join in next week. It’ll go live on Sunday morning and should be available until Tuesday.
I have no idea how it’ll go on Thursday – so far the bad weather has meant I can get out and walk as many miles as I do lol.
How lovely was it of your OH to order you half and half. my OH would have just got me the whole pizza, which i would of ate and then had serious guilt over later haha! x
It was really sweet, then Our Sidekick tried to give me the last slice of his pizza and although that little devil was going on and on about it just being one more slice I did the good thing and turned it down lol. My OH does his best to help – some days he fails miserably but other days he absolutely rocks at it like this.
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