Hey there! It’s Sunday which means it’s Slimming World Sunday. Stephanie from Raising Emily and myself “resurrected” the idea and this is our second week.
If you’d like to join in the button and code is at the bottom along with the rules for the Link Up. For now here’s my post:
This week I attempted to be better and although I know I wasn’t 100% on plan it was okay.
I am the worst for this I stood on the scales and make a resolve that I’m going to be better this week only to then the weekend rolls round and it all goes to pieces. This week I stood on the scales and was grateful for the maintain. All week I’d not been feeling right and headed to the drop in clinic. I was seen by a lovely female nurse (or could have been a doctor I’m not sure!). She said I could do self care at home rather than take any medication. I headed home and made an effort to drink more fluids all week as per the self care instructions which seems to have worked but as it got closer to weighing in on Thursday I started feeling rubbish again. I got up Friday morning and felt a bit like death warmed. Turns out Jaxon gave me his cold. When I have a cold I just want to eat junk. A friend of mine once told me that it’s because your body needs more calories to keep you running while your sick because it’s using extra energy fighting the bugs.
(It’s a bit of a do in part post. Sorry!)
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Thanks for joining up and thanks for the well wishes. I was feeling better this morning as my head was clearer but I kept coughing. Hopefully this week will be a bit calmer and I’ll get some “down” time lol. Hope you’re well.
I hope you’re feeling better now.
I eat everything in site when I have a cold, as the saying goes ‘feed a cold, starve a fever’.
My Grandma always says that. It’s similar to what my friend says about the calories. I guess if you’ve got a fever and you eat it can make you sick and probably feel worse. I’m sure there’s some science to it lol. I have a clearer head today but I’ve been coughing more which sucks.
sorry that you were unwell 🙁 I find I always want to eat rubbish when I’m unwell or have a cold. Not good for the weight loss though unfortunately! #swsunday
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