In case this is the first post you’ve read of mine, I had a C-Section just over a week ago. Part of the recovery is to get up and get moving but not to over do it. You’re only allowed to lift your baby for a while and nothing else (a challenge when you now live with three boys but thankfully my Mum had been on hand to help and a few friends have done washing or things like that for us too).
They are sort of silly and they aren’t massive achievements like running a PB at a running competition, climbing Ben Nevis or the Tri Peaks for charity or lifting your PB at Crossfit Training but to me they do make a difference.
On Monday we went to the Children’s Centre to see the midwife, her day wasn’t going to plan and when given the option to get out of the house for a bit after 2 and a bit days in hospital and two days pretty much in the confines of the house i was jumping at the chance to get out lol. We were sat in the reception and she was running a little late, and of course at that moment in time, Jaxon decided he needed a feed – well there’s only one thing for it.
Achievement Number One: Breastfeeding in a public place (that’s not a hospital).
Jaxon was getting more and more worked up as he was too hot in the onesie he was in but he was also hungry so needed food too. With some assistance from my Mum we stripped him off so he was just in his nappy and then got him into a short sleeved onesie. He cooled down instantly and just seemed happier – he latched on pretty much straight away after that – but I was bricking it! First time in public I was glad my Mum was there to sort of hold my hand – I think if I’d have been on my own I’d have gone and found somewhere to hide!
Achievement Number Two: Breastfeed at my Grandparents house
Yesterday after registering Jaxon’s birth we went to my Grandma’s house to wish her Happy Birthday and drop off cards and presents. She was excited that she got to see Jaxon on her birthday too. While we were there Jaxon was getting hungry and needed a feed. I asked could I go sit in the spare room to feed him, rather than everyone evacuating the living room for me. Well before I could get everything together my Grandad had gone into the kitchen, Grandma had gone to get something from another room and we were left to feed in one of the comfy chairs. When I was settled (and had a muslin to cover up) everyone came back in and we continued to chat about Grandma’s birthday and who had been asking after Jaxon and I amongst other things.
Achievement Number Three: Walk to the supermarket and back (and manage to remember all the shopping before leaving the supermarket!)
Yesterday afternoon I decided that I was going to walk to the supermarket. It’s about a mile round trip but given the last week it was a goal that I could achieve and my Mum was on hand to come rescue me if I really couldn’t manage to get myself home or if there was a problem. By the looks of it including walking round the store it took me an hour. It certainly didn’t feel like it took that long but I guess that was good that I wasn’t rushing it.