And like that, the school holidays have finished.
Last week, Mum, Jaxon and I went to purchase school shoes. At the beginning of the week before we went shopping, I took a look on the Clarks website. Were they going to have Jaxon’s sizes and in the right styles for the school uniform list? His feet had changed a little bit but just half a size. It was also fine because they had shoes for him that would fit.
The young lady who was looking after us used the clever iPad and step measuring thing to measure Jaxon’s feet. I think he was nervous that he’d break the iPad by standing on it. After all if he stood on mine I think I would get very cross with him and he would have to sit in time out.
He was really good and stood there as long as she needed him to. The young lady then went out to find a couple of sets of shoes that had velcro fastenings. Thankfully they actually did have a wide selection for school appropriate shoes in Jaxon’s size. He decided he liked the first pair and that was enough. We also tried on trainers as there was an offer on in Clarks. As part of his PE kit he’s supposed to have plimsolls or trainers with light soles that can be worn for indoor PE and things like that. However because he has insoles in his shoes, really he needs to have proper trainers rather than canvas plimsolls as they don’t give very much support. We tried to find a pair of trainers that had a light sole but were still fairly school approprate. In the end we’ve gone with black ones that have a black sole too. The one pair that Clarks did have in Jaxon’s size had a toggle fastening and wouldn’t have really been easy for him to get on and off.

It’s now Monday evening and Jaxon starts school in the morning. When I got up this morning there was a plan. Some of it went a little to pot when Jaxon fell down the stairs in Pizza Hut and then when we got caught in traffic. At Pizza Hut in Centre:MK, the toilets are upstairs. Having been up the stairs to the toilet we then came back downstairs to join the queue and be seated for food. We were about four steps from the bottom and Jaxon had just gone. I think he’d tripped over his own feet (getting used to his new trainers) and was slightly just out of reach of me so I couldn’t grab him. In the end he was okay but it did sort of throw me a little. Anyway, once I write this post and get my phone backed up then I think I can go to bed and that means I’m almost back on track. His uniform is laying out upstairs ready to go (down to pants and socks too because he’ll faff otherwise!). I think I am about to lay out my outfit for tomorrow so that I know that, that is done and ready to go and one less thing to think about in the morning!
I’d read this on one of my friend’s feeds on FB and then shared it:
Dear Teacher,
“I know you’re rather busy, first day back, there’s just no time, a whole new class of little ones and this one here is mine.
I’m sure you have things covered and have done this lots before, but my boy is very little, he hasn’t long turned four.
In his uniform this morning, he looked so tall and steady, but now beside your great big school, I’m not quite sure he’s ready.
Do you help them eat their lunch? Are you quick to soothe their fears? And if he falls and hurts his knee will someone dry his tears?
And what if no-one plays with him? What if someone’s mean? What if two kids have a fight and he’s caught in between?
You’re right, I have to leave now it’s time for him to go I’m sure he’ll learn so much from you, things that I don’t know.
Yes, I’m sure they settle quickly, that he’s fine now without me, I know he has to go to school, it’s just so fast.
You see, it seems like just a blink ago I first held him in my arms, it’s been my job to love, to teach, to keep him safe from harm.
So, when I wave goodbye in a moment and he turns to walk inside, forgive me if I crumple into tears of loss and pride.
I know as I give him one more kiss and watch him walk away, that he’ll never again be wholly mine as he was before today.
By Emma Robinson. Source: Poem – Motherhood for Slackers. Photo – Working Mother
I shared this on my Facebook and I needed to share where my heart was at and somehow this got it. I’m excited that he’s going to school and that he’s going onto newer things but he’s still that little boy that I cradle when he cries, he’s that little boy who uses me as a human climbing frame then kisses me on the cheek for no reason. Jaxon has been to preschool or he’s been out with family but we’ve always still spend a lot of the week together. From tomorrow that all changes, and although I’m excited for him and I want him to learn things and be able to achieve greatness. He’s still my little boy, he’s only just four. He seems so little in his uniform that’s kind of too big for him.
So the school holidays are done and Jaxon’s been to his last Lemon and Ginger knitting group this morning. He’ll be back in the school holidays but that won’t be until October. It’s the same with Cofffee Morning – he won’t be back until February Half Term because of where it falls and then he’ll be four and a half. (I think cake might have to be smuggled home when possible!)