Tell us about another blogger who has influenced your own online journey.
We could be here all day – I’m not sure that I could narrow it down to one blogger. But here’s a few for you…..
Sarah over at Yes and Yes is so lovely and friendly (we’ve chatted via Tweet and E-mail). She’s a copywriter/blogger-for-hire by day and a fab blogger by “night”. She writes amazing posts that really make you think but also ones like How Do I Become a Grown Up? and The Definitive Packing List.
Now I think Melissa would say that it was me who inspired her to start blogging but at the same time she inspires me to keep going. We met each other when her and her Hubby were in England as part of their World Tour for their honeymoon. We hung out in London, tried Chipotle (well I did!), and wandered round the shops and touristy bits. She wrote a series entitled “Keeping Secrets, or The Secret Spiritual History of Melissa Jane Savage” – it was really good and so inspiring and interesting. You can read Part One here.

There’s also Becca – we met via Twitter and in person but she’s also my penpal – we both love receiving proper handwritten letters. Becca’s main blog is The Latte Lover – all about her passion for coffee. She’s even blogged about The Fountain twice.
Then I have Ruby – she’s another lovely Twitter friend who’s become a friend. Her and her Hubby are in the process of building their own house – it’s all very Grand Designs! She regularly updates her blog to talk about what’s happening with the building – it’s all very exciting. Hopefully one day I might get to see the house in person.
When I’m struggling with ideas for these posts I’m turning to The Daily Post being ran by WordPress. You can find their blog here.