Your Favourite Genre of Books
I don’t think I have a favourite one. I read alot of Crime/Mystery and Fantasy books so I guess those two would become my favourites. I think the main reason I like the Crime/Mystery ones because the baddie always gets his/her comeuppance. I’m not sure why I like fantasy books – I’ve been reading The Hobbit and I keep meaning to read the Lord of The Rings books – I think the thing that strikes me about them is about friendship – in LOTR, Frodo’s friend’s come on the adventure with him to look after him. I think they also want the adventure themselves but they want to make sure that Frodo gets there and back again in one piece. I guess if you include the Harry Potter books in this as well it’s about friendship – right to the end Ron and Hermione are there with Harry fighting for good.

I think you’re right about friendship. My favourite series of fantasy books is the Northern Lights trilogy and in these there is a really strong relationship between Lyra and Pan.
I started reading the first book (Northern Lights right or is that the whole trilogy?) but never completed it, I then saw the film of The Golden Compass so I’m not sure about reading that one because I already kind of know the story line – then again – there is so much else to be read at the moment.
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