This week I wore some holes in my favourite pair of trousers. While lying in bed, it got me thinking about my very favourite trousers which were pink corduroy. With a combination of a long top or something they might still be wearable but really they need to head to the bin. Current favourite trousers RIP.
I was lying in bed thinking about what I needed to do the next day a few nights ago and got thinking about favourite items of clothes. I love flares. Proper comfy wide flares are my favourites even now.
Then the pink corduroy trousers came to mind. I was about 16/17 and my friend was clearing out her wardrobe. She offered me this pink cords and although they were definitely a size too big, I accepted and soon with the help of a belt they were worn a lot of the time. I think in the end I did fit them properly but when that came round they’d started to fray around the bottoms and other holes started to appear.
I think they were replaced by another pair of jeans that were worn to their death.
When I was at university, I was given a gift voucher for a specific shop that was normally kind of out of my price range but on this occasion I found a pair of trousers that were in my budget and again they were worn to death. (Clearly they were a good style because another friend in my class also had the same trousers.
So now I’m thinking about trousers and wear to buy new ones. I bought smart black trousers from a supermarket recently and they are so snug that I have to keep breathing in while I wear them. That makes sitting down in an interview kind of uncomfortable! But where do I find trousers that are comfortable? Currently, I have a pair of jeans from a well known high street brand and they are “relaxed skinny” – they just about work but are still too snug for my preference.
Why is it so hard to buy comfy trousers now? It’s a topic I’ve often talked about – here’s another post about jeans here.
Do you have a favourite item of clothing? Do you struggle to buy jeans that fit well or comfortably?