Each birthday I write a list of goals that I want to achieve by the next birthday, this originally started with 101 in 1001 days a couple of years ago that never really happened – I wrote the list but then didn’t really have the drive to complete all the goals. I reduced this to “26 before I’m 27” or which ever birthday was coming up next.
This year I turned 27 – 27 goals would be easy to achieve but then I decided – what about writing a bigger list that would cover until I’m 30. And so that’s what this post is all about. I started the list with help from some friends including Liz from Little Red Welly. Then when I was getting stuck I gave the list to Chris and asked him to add some – thankfully he thinks out the box and aims higher than I seem to do.
So here is the list – the deadline is April 27th 2016 (interestingly about a month after my Dad turns 60!)
- One thing that scares me
- One thing that I’ve always wanted to do
- One thing I haven’t done since childhood
- One thing that does something nice for someone else
- One thing you would be proud to tell your grandkids about
- Lead 6 people to Jesus
- Visit a country I’ve been to
- Visit a new western country
- Visit a new eastern country
- Indoor Skydive
- Skydive
- Perform on stage
- Learn to ride (horses? unicycle? tricycle? ideas?)
- Do a skidpan course
- Learn a new language
- Learn to make coffee and try each one!
- Light a fire without matches or a lighter
- Dye hair a crazy colour
- Make jam
- Teach an older person to get online
- Make a quilt
- Make a scrapbook
- Create a short film
- Get a new job……or vocation
- Go Paintballing (Thanks to Our Sidekick!)
- Climb the Cheddar Gorge
- Visit the Millau Viaduct, South France
- Go go-kart racing
- Get BMI to “normal” bracket
- Save a life (Chris recommended this one – I think it needs more clarification!)
- Help build something (building)
- Read the New Testament
- Cycle holiday, at least 20 miles per day
- Trust God to provide me with something bigger than I’ve ever trusted him before (money, house, etc)
- Get hair wrapped in coloured dreadlocks
- Heal someone or cast out a demon
- Be interviewed on radio or TV
- Make ice cream
This is the list as it stands, some ideas are going to take saving up and things like that, it’s also going to take a lot of planning – some bits I can do right away others I can’t but I hope you will join me on the adventure. If you have suggestions for other goals I’d love to hear them – let me know.

Learn a new skill?
Host a meet up of twitter/blog/online friends?
Put some money away each month and buy yourself a 30th birthday gift to celebrate what you’ve achieved?
That’s so random – why didn’t the lovely blog fairies tell me you’d commented…….Anyway! Thank you for the comment! How are you doing? Learn a new skill – yeah but what would I learn. I can knit and I can crochet, I guess I could find something along those lines. A meet up would be seriously cool – especially as I’ve met a “New” Bedford based blogger here in Bedford. I suck at saving lol. Maybe that’s a good plan – maybe I can save up for a new MacBook (and hope that my current one doesn’t die in the process!!)
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