the stuff i found here and there

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Waiting for the bus.

Three times this week I’ve taken the bus, while on the bus I’ve been crocheting or reading various bits and pieces, some have been stored up for a while after being found so hopefully I remember where they are linked from!

An interesting infographic – if the world was made of 100 people.

A friend posted a picture of a shoe rack that he made from an old pallet on Facebook – I mentioned that we needed a new coat rack and he sent me a link to this. I love the idea and it would be very individual – the challenge is whether the wall would be able to take the weight or not.

Coat rack made of a palletI love this iPad skin. It’s created by Marceline at Asking for Trouble. The thing is with my current case it wouldn’t really work. Maybe I need a clear case like a iPhone case for iPad!

The fab and lovely Dawn Tan who creates the most amazing pictures has launched her new blog here. I love her artwork, in our old flat we had one of her pictures hanging above the desk. I love her drawings of recipes and food. I also love the giant marshmallow bag that she made. It’s seriously cool!

Each Image should link to it’s relevant source