Reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and Rachel’s Holiday by Marian Keyes – I keep flicking between the two as The Happiness Project keeps giving me so much inspiration that I have struggle sleeping as I want to take on the world and do all sorts of things. I keep wanting to share my findings and putting those inspirations into practice so had to blog about it.
Watching right now it’s University Challenge but I’ve been watching lots of films and TV shows on Netflix – I’ve gone back to the beginning of Numbers to start over again. I blogged about it here.
Listening to lots of radio. With Les Misérables coming out here in the UK this weekend, BBC Radio 2 have been playing lots of the songs from the musical – sometimes the film versions and sometimes the musical version. On Friday morning Chris Evans played Alfie Boe’s version of Bring Him Home – thankfully he played it at about 8:50am which gave me just enough time to listen to it and then run into the office. Ken Bruce then played Empty Chairs At Empty Tables (not so well known but still good!), earlier in the week One Day More (It was the film version on the radio but I can’t find a video version) was played followed by I Dreamed a Dream by Susan Boyle. I still really like the Glee version though (Even though it’s tweaked slightly to fit the story).
Thinking about life and doing what I can to make it good for Our Sidekick – some days it’s easier than others but I’ll get there in the end right.
Loving the whole Les Mis Soundtrack – I know I can’t help it! Given how much I love it I really hope that the film lives up to the hype – I’ll be seriously upset if it doesn’t live up to it.
Looking forward to seeing Chris’s Aunt and her housemate later today we haven’t seen them since Christmas 2011 given how busy it’s been both between work and The Fountain and how busy they’ve been.
Making me happy my family minus a little falling out Friday morning with Our Sidekick we seem to be doing really well at the moment which is good.
Inspiration from Freckled Italian and Sometimes Sweet