Joining with Sar from [Life of Love] and Syndal from Synfully Delicious.
This Weekend I… well on Friday when I finished work, Our Sidekick and I went on a road trip to MK, the idea being that I’d missed most of the holiday because of starting my new job so I figured we could cram in something before he goes back to school today. We had a great time and when we got home we watched How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory. This has become our Friday tradition as the new episodes are often televised on Thursday while I’m out at Scone Roses or other bits.
This Weekend I… Saturday started with a lazy start. I should have got up and been more productive but I felt rubbish. I’ve had a sore throat since Wednesday and it’s been somehow affecting my asthma. This makes the stairs really not fun. Even walking down the stairs makes my breathing go mad.
This Weekend I… went to Cambridge with Chris, Our Sidekick and my Sister-in-Law for the Strawberry Fair. I felt scarily at home, my Sister-in-Law commented for the first half an hour or so how uncomfortable she felt and how she freaked out felt. I spent Sunday trying to tell friends about the Strawberry Fair and how exciting it was but I couldn’t do it very well. I virtually spammed by Instagram feed and Twitter but the signal on the actual field was really bad even though it’s in the middle of Cambridge – I think this was to do with the number of people on Midsummer Common added with the number of people probably posting pictures and updating social media at the same time. (There are a heap of pictures – I need to sort them for proper but you can find most of them on Flickr or Instagram.
This Weekend I… sang in the worship band at church. The first Sunday of the month is an all age service (I think it has another name now but I can’t remember what it is!). I’d been asked by the worship leader to bring two Kid’s Worship songs on Thursday to rehearsal so that we could check we knew them and learn the actions. It was a challenge given the sore throat-ness but on Thursday I had hoped it would be gone. It hadn’t completely gone – actually it felt worse and I probably should have given up there. I had a pain in my throat when I swallowed which made me really think that my tonsils were up. Before the service, we were all prayed for to make sure that we brought God’s glory and that kind of thing. While I was prayed for I swallowed and took a deep breath. The swallowing had got from a strong pain making me feel like I was trying to swallow a golf ball in one go to a dull ache in the back of my throat. Given the issues with my asthma and the sore throat I was stupidly excited. When we finished praying I ran across church, tapped Chris on the shoulder and started to tell him what had just happened. I wasn’t even out of breathe from running across church which was even better. I’m still going to need to go to the doctor’s to make sure my inhalers are all topped up and ready for the summer and also about some others bits that are worrying me a little bit but other than that I am doing well.
This Weekend I… had the first BBQ of the Summer. We were invited to a friend’s house for the BBQ. He’s like me and loves having a house full of people. All sorts of shenangians happened too including threats for pranks when my friend fell asleep on the sofa!

aw hope your throat is feeling better!
thanks for linking up with me and Sar!
Hey! Thank you 🙂 It’s a bit better, I went to the doctors this morning and saw the nurse. We chatted about my asthma and the sore throat and came up with a plan which should work.
Sounds like quite a busy weekend. Hope you’re feeling better soon!
Hey! It was quite busy but that’s a quiet weekend for us I think! Thanks for the comment – thank you for the follow on Twitter too 🙂
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