The most unusual place you’ve spent a night while travelling
I went camping up in Scotland just outside Inverurie and I napped in the back seat of my Fiat Seicento. For most of the night, we stayed in the house that Chris was staying in as a student. Then we carried on a bit further and ended up stopping for a nap in a lay by. I curled up in the back seat (I’m pretty sure mine was smaller than this picture – then again maybe it’s deceptive!
Anyway so we were heading to Scotland and we stopped so I had a nap in the back seat – I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have been comfortable enough for a whole night’s sleep but it worked for a nap.
You can find the prompts on Ian’s Blog here.

Hi Hannah! Thanks for stopping by on my blog! Yes, I’m very excited about the 30 lists too! Let’s have fun!! 😀
You’re welcome 🙂 Thank you for returning the comment love 🙂 I loved your first list. I need to get my butt in gear and make mine look prettier 🙂
Hannah, yes I got your message on Twitter.
Did you know that according to Twitter you aren’t following me =/ I tried to message you back but it wouldn’t let me since my tweets are locked and you aren’t following me.
I solved it. Not sure how I ended up not following you but I fixed it and now we’re back in touch again 🙂
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