What If You Won….

When I was in my teens me and my Dad would discuss “If you won the lottery what would you do?”, my answer was buy a house and a car and then save the rest.

We had the same conversation a few weeks ago and I said that paying off the mortgage would be somewhere near the top – I guess I’m practical like that. We then had a discussion about how it made sense to save it and then live on the interest and all the ins and outs like that. It ended with me being baffled and My Dad thinking I understood lol.

Okay so it’s not quite as big amount as that but PayPal have got a competition to win a year’s salary of £40,000, now actually for me this is a lot of money  (it’s actually close to two years for me). So as you can imagine it would made a big difference to someone’s life.

So hypothetically, I’ve won the £40,000 prize. What would I do with it?

Well first up 10% would go to church. I know that there are some bills still to pay to do with the extension and I think that £4k would make a difference.

Clear Chris’s student debt. There is still a little bit floating about that needs to be dealt with so that would be up there near the top.

There is a youth work project that I know of in Bedford that is trying to get off the ground – I’d ask the people in charge about making some kind of donation or grant to them.

I’d put like £15k in the bank to save for a rainy day.

I’d use like £500 and go on a shopping spree – I know it’s like a tiny percentage of the whole money but I would rather help more people then spend it all on tech, gadgets and bits like that, that I don’t need. There’s a project in the town where I live that works with homeless people around the town. I’d give a donation to them – surely it’s better that they have a warm bed and nice food. Having said that I would replace my Macbook as the disc drive is poorly but that is a want rather than a need. I can still survive with my current and so that would be like the last thing on the list for replacing or repairing

I’d look into a holiday – I’d love to go to New Zealand and do a bit of a tour. I think if it was an option I would take my housemate with me and Chris so that she could see her family. She hasn’t seen her Mum and Dad since April-ish.

So there we go I think I’d start by trying to help other people followed by myself, I’m not trying to look “holier than thou” but possessions are just that, they can be replaced but people can’t, so if some money can help a charity that works with homeless people or a project that keeps young people out of trouble – surely that is better than me sitting on my nice comfy sofa in my nice warm house playing on my new computer.

So to enter the PayPal Draw all you need to do is to use PayPal to pay for your purchases over the internet. For example maybe a handmade Christmas present from Etsy, or that handbag you really like from eBay. You can also use in other places just look out for the PayPal logo. You can find out more by clicking the link.

This is a Sponsored Post. The opinions are my own 🙂

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  1. trisha says:

    I like your plans 🙂 very reasonable and modest. and yay for charity.
    I would buy myself a pony! and a pony-girlfriend for my pony 🙂

    • Hannie says:

      hehe I wouldn’t fit a pony in my back garden let alone two. then again £40k would be a good deposit on a house if I was going to do that (except we already have a mortgage but I’d rather to the above list).

      Would you do anything else other than a duet of ponies?

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