Sorry while I recover from the boredom that is work. Ok this job has such a tiny amount of novelty I think I lost it about 10am this morning.
On Friday I got a phone call asking me if I wanted a temp admin job with the possibility of going on to permanent. I said ok and headed for Argos Distribution at Marsh Leys (This is an OK drive in the middle of the afternoon it’s murder in rush hour). I arrived at the centre and was sent up to HR. I stood in Reception where I was told by the HR peep that I would be on reception (this was hiccup 1 – I have like zero receptionist experience – maybe a tiny bit at Wickes on the CSD). So I sit on reception with the normal girl who shows me what I would be doing etc. She then says how she’s away for two days this week and that must be what I’m covering. (Hiccup 2).
So today I show up which is cool, however I lost my interview at Vision Express because of work at Argos (my interview was meant to be Friday afternoon – I got it moved so that I could go to Argos, the lady phoned both Friday afternoon and again today – Today’s message was if I don’t hear from you today I will presume you are no longer interested – I couldn’t get back to the lady while the shop was still open and so lost my interview 🙁

Ah bless ya sounds like u really have had a rough couple of days! hopefully it will improve! 🙂 keep smiling!
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