028: Food Post

It had been conversation for most of the week about Our Sidekick making dinner one day – he’d made pizza in Food Technology at school as few weeks back and we’d had that and it was so yummy we’d asked Our Sidekick to make it again for us. Originally it was going to do it on Thursday but there was a change of plan and it was moved to today.

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I managed to snap this one above while Our Sidekick got ready – he’d had to get the scales from our room as Chris had been using them for weighing items to put on eBay and then him and Chris got all the ingredients out of the cupboard and I retreated to the living room to stay out of trouble.

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This was the amazing finished article – I posted a picture on Twitter and Facebook and the number of amazing uplifting encouraging comments that came in were awesome. I’m going to print off the Facebook page and stick it into Our Sidekick’s journal/scrapbook so that he can look back and remember how those people encouraged him.