On NYE/NYD, WordPress sent out a round up of blog stats. I was pretty excited by this and thought I’d share some bits. I was also inspired by Amy at Lemon and Raspberry.
Top 5 Blog Posts
- So It’s Now (this is an old post but it keeps getting views!)
- Review: Lightspeed iHelicopter
- Dolly Mixture!!!!!!Woohoo!!
- An Evening with The Hudson Taylors
- Bloggers Wednesday: Kaelah
Top 5 Blogs Directing Traffic
- Today’s Letters
- Julia’s Place (new home of 100 Word Challenge for Grown Up’s)
- Yes and Yes
- The Head’s Office (original home of 100 Word Challenge for Grown Up’s)
- The Fountain (Bedford)
Search Terms
(I didn’t have that many strange ones – they were all logical to get to my posts)
- Emo Fringe (lots of emo hair search terms!)
- Dolly mixture
- The Hudson Taylors
- Operation Christmas Child Facts
- iHelicopter Review