Back in April when I turned 25 I wrote my 25 Before I’m 26 list. It’s now about 9 months through the year – I managed to complete another goal today so wanted to update you all.
- Read Love Wins by Rob Bell
Take part in the “Messiah From Scratch” (Christmas 2o11)(Done – November 2011)Watch Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 (July 2011)(Done – July 2011)Re-read Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling(Done – July 2011)Go on an adventure within the UK on my own(Done – April 2011)- Read The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien (In Progress)
Make 10 items to open an Etsy StoreFix my BikeGo on a road trip(Done – 28th April 2011)Watch 100 films(100/100)- Read 5 biographies
- Learn and Memorise 10 scales on the Bass Guitar
- Read 3 of the 6 Jane Austen novels (In Progress)
- Watch the 3 Lord of The Ring Films (again) (1/3)
- Read the 3 Lord of The Ring Books.
- Meet @Ellefie in person (If you don’t read it go read her blog – she’s my birthday buddy).
- Watch all 17 Studio Ghibli feature films (no 18 is being released in July 2011 – 7/17 as of 1st May).
Watch Breakfast At Tiffany’s. (Done – 1st May 2011)Finish His Image My Image by Josh McDowell. (Done)Finish One Day by David Nicholls(Done – 1st May 2011)Go to a concert.(Done – 8th May 2011)- Cook a Roast Dinner
Home make at least one Christmas Present(Done)Read My Life in France by Julia Childs and Alex Prud’Homme.(Done)- Cycle to Sandy and back
1st May 2011 – Completed 3
8th May 2011 – Completed: 4
23rd May 2011 – Completed: 4
8th July 2011 – Completed: 9
22nd October 2011 – Completed: 10
12th December 2011 – Completed: 12 In Progress: 2
15th January 2012 – Completed 14 In Progress: 2
So I have 14 goals completed and 11 to go – some are easier than others, some might have to wait until April (It’s far too cold to cycle to Sandy and back at the moment!) I want to write a new list for next year but I’m not sure what to do – I want the challenges to be actual challenges rather than “do this” or “do that” goals as some of mine were too easy this year.
Have you written a list of goals for this year? Or between birthdays?
I read quite a few blogs and a few lists have appeared this week as people celebrate their birthdays. Becca D wrote one this week after being inspired by Elise Blaha Cripe back in December when she celebrated her birthday, Becca S and Mandy‘s have both appeared this week as they celebrate their birthdays (either last week or this week). So Happy Birthday ladies!!