100 Word Challenge: Week 29
I call her from the other side of the world and her phone goes straight to voicemail.
“Mum, I’m pretty sure when your only daughter is the other side of the world, you don’t ignore international calls in case it’s an emergency.” I paused, I was joking but she might take it as a telling off.
“Mum, I’m going to be landing at Heathrow on Wednesday. The project finished early – it made more sense to come home then hang around and fork out for a hotel.”
I hung up the phone.
Twenty four hours to kill, what should I do?

Maybe Mum was out or in the bath? At first glance I was totally with the daughter but actually, Mum also has a life, it’s not only about her. Interesting how you can read this piece both ways.
I love the last line – makes me wonder of she’d been planning to the spend the 24 hours chatting to her mum. Now that would have been one expensive phone call….maybe it’s just as well it went to voicemail!
Or maybe mum was out on a date! ha ha I think that sometimes when I can’t get ahold of my mom.
24 hours to kill I say throw your bags in a locker or storage, take your camera & money and take a cab into the heart of the city and explore.
24 hours can be fun. My mother often doesn’t answer the phone no matter where I am calling from. 😉
OF course, being a man I’d never call my mum in the first place. I suspect the character’s early return will interrupt mum’s partying… 🙂
Mothers can be so annoying can’t they; asking awkward questions when you want silence, not being there when you want them.
Oh I need to know if mum was waiting! How could you be so nasty – leaving me on tenter hooks! Good one Hannah!
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