You can find the prompt here.
100 Word Challenge: Week 26
It’s been one of those weeks where I can’t wait for the weekend to get here – then again I messed up my Blogging Plan this week. Hopefully I’ll get it fixed next week – instead today there are two posts.
Anyway I will quit my whining and get on with my story because that is why you are here.
I sat up in bed and my head started to swim. The aquamarine and magenta spots flashed in front of my eyes again. The lights are like a camera flash dancing across my retinas over and over again. I then clutched at my head as the aeroplane noise repeated in my ears like excruciating tinnitus. When were the doctors going to find out what was wrong with me. They acted as if they knew what it was and how to treat it but really they all looked at me aghast, was I some form of medical mystery after the accident.

Great job…those words would have confounded me for sure!
They did confound me a little bit and it did take some tweaking to make sure that the words were in the right context but I got there in the end! Thanks for your comment.
I like this one – it’s very different to everyone else’s. Sounds like a very unpleasant condition whatever it is.
If this makes sense, in my imagination I kinda had House rocking up and being like test for this that and the other and it’s not Lupus! (then again do you watch House otherwise that might not make sense?!?)
The best compliment you can give with this kind of prompt is that you wouldn’t have known what the random words were unless they were in bold, and that definitely applies to your piece. I like the palpable sense of tension you have created.
Thank you for your comment Ian. I like to thin that I did it on purpose to make sure that my words blended in but I think it honestly happened by accident! I tend to like internal dialogue it seems and so it’s not like another character has to say anything to spring another thought or sentence into being (does that make sense?)
Scary! I agree with S-J, a totally original angle, well done.
Hey 🙂 Thanks for the comment 🙂
Really like this one. Agree with all the above; you wouldn’t have been able to tell the prompt words if they weren’t highlighted.
What a horrid condition to have. Great post.
Hey Anna – no idea if it’s real but somehow it worked and like I said in S-J’s reply – I half had Dr House walking it to tell them “It’s Not Lupus!”
I like the original angle you took. (Should there be a question mark at the end of the last sentence?)
Yup I think it should have had a question mark at the end of the sentence! Oops! Will go and change it – thanks for the comment 🙂
I love this one! It has a real ‘solid’ and knowledgeable feel to it and has a great pace! Well done H!
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